/** * Admin utilities (for internal use only!) * * @package ThemeREX Socials * @since v1.0.0 */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE:false */ (function() { "use strict"; if (typeof TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE == 'undefined') window.TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE = {}; // Prepare media selector params TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id'] = ''; TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'] = []; TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'] = []; jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Media selector jQuery('#customize-theme-controls:not(.inited_sms)' +',.widget-liquid-right:not(.inited_sms)' +',.widgets-holder-wrap:not(.inited_sms)' +',.widget_field_type_image:not(.inited_sms)' +',#elementor-panel:not(.inited_sms)' +',.edit-widgets-block-editor:not(.inited_sms)' ) .addClass('inited_sms') .on('click', '.trx_socials_media_selector', function(e) { trx_socials_show_media_manager(this); e.preventDefault(); return false; }) .on( 'keydown', '.trx_socials_media_selector_preview > .trx_socials_media_selector_preview_image', function(e) { // If 'Enter' or 'Space' is pressed - remove image if ( [ 13, 32 ].indexOf( e.which ) >= 0 ) { jQuery( this ).trigger('click'); e.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; } ) .on('click', '.trx_socials_media_selector_preview > .trx_socials_media_selector_preview_image', function(e) { var image = jQuery(this), preview = image.parent(), button = preview.siblings('.trx_socials_media_selector'), field = jQuery('#'+button.data('linked-field')); if (field.length === 0) return true; if (button.data('multiple') == 1) { var val = field.val().split('|'); val.splice(image.index(), 1); field.val(val.join('|')); image.remove(); } else { field.val(''); image.remove(); } preview.toggleClass('trx_socials_media_selector_preview_with_image', preview.find('> .trx_socials_media_selector_preview_image').length > 0); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // Show WP Media manager to select image // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function trx_socials_show_media_manager(el) { TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id'] = jQuery(el).attr('id'); TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']] = jQuery(el); // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']] ) { TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].open(); return false; } // Create the media frame var type = TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('type') ? TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('type') : 'image'; var args = { // Set the title of the modal. title: TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('choose'), // Multiple choise multiple: TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('multiple')==1 ? 'add' : false, // Customize the submit button. button: { // Set the text of the button. text: TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('update'), // Tell the button not to close the modal, since we're // going to refresh the page when the image is selected. close: true } }; // Allow sizes and filters for the images if (type == 'image') { args['frame'] = 'post'; } // Tell the modal to show only selected post types if (type == 'image' || type == 'audio' || type == 'video') { args['library'] = { type: type }; } TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']] = wp.media(args); // When an image is selected, run a callback. TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].on( 'insert select', function(selection) { // Grab the selected attachment. var field = jQuery("#"+TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('linked-field')).eq(0); var attachment = null, attachment_url = ''; if (TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_link'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].data('multiple')==1) { TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].state().get('selection').map( function( att ) { attachment_url += (attachment_url ? "|" : "") + att.toJSON().url; }); var val = field.val(); attachment_url = val + (val ? "|" : '') + attachment_url; } else { attachment = TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); attachment_url = attachment.url; var sizes_selector = jQuery('.media-modal-content .attachment-display-settings select.size'); if (sizes_selector.length > 0) { var size = trx_socials_get_listbox_selected_value(sizes_selector.get(0)); if (size !== '') attachment_url = attachment.sizes[size].url; } } // Display images in the preview area var preview = field.siblings('.trx_socials_media_selector_preview'); if (preview.length === 0) { jQuery('
').insertAfter(field); preview = field.siblings('.trx_socials_media_selector_preview'); } if (preview.length !== 0) preview.find('.trx_socials_media_selector_preview_image').remove(); var images = attachment_url.split("|"); for (var i=0; i < images.length; i++) { if (preview.length !== 0) { var ext = trx_socials_get_file_ext(images[i]); preview.append('
' + (ext=='gif' || ext=='jpg' || ext=='jpeg' || ext=='png' ? '
' : '
' ) + '
'); } } preview.toggleClass('trx_socials_media_selector_preview_with_image', preview.find('> .trx_socials_media_selector_preview_image').length > 0); // Update field field.val(attachment_url).trigger('change'); }); // Finally, open the modal. TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_frame'][TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['media_id']].open(); return false; } }); })();