token = Token::create( $type, $this->data['shop_process_id'], $this->data ); } /** * * Get configured public key. * * @return void * **/ private function getPublicKey() { if (!empty($this->data['public_key'])) { $this->public_key = $this->data['public_key']; } if (empty($this->public_key)) { $this->public_key = Config::get('public_key'); } return $this->public_key; } /** * * Fill data array with values that then will turn into a json. * * @return void * **/ public function addData($key, $value) { $this->data[$key] = $value; } /** * * Prapare operation object with expected structure. * * @return void * **/ protected function makeOperationObject() { $this->operation['public_key'] = $this->getPublicKey(); $this->operation['operation'] = array(); $this->operation['operation']['token'] = $this->token->get(); $this->operation['operation']['shop_process_id'] = $this->shop_process_id; foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) { if ($key == "public_key" or $key == "private_key") { continue; } $this->operation['operation'][$key] = $value; } } /** * * Prepare url and post data to Bancard configured enviroment url. * If successful sets up redirect url. * Raise exception on error. * * @return bool * **/ protected function post() { $this->url = $this->environment . $this->path; $this->response_data = HTTP::post($this->url, $this->json()); if (!$this->response_data) { throw new \RuntimeException("No response data was found."); } $this->response = $this->response(); if ($this->response->status == "error") { throw new \Exception("[" . $this->response->messages[0]->key . "] " . $this->response->messages[0]->dsc); } if (!empty($this->response()->process_id)) { $this->redirect_to = $this->environment . $this->redirect_path . "?process_id=" . $this->response()->process_id; } return true; } /** * * Return opeartion object. * * @return object * **/ public function get() { return $this->operation; } /** * * Get json represetation of operation object. * * @return json * **/ public function json() { return json_encode($this->operation); } /** * * Return response object (stdClass). * * @return void * **/ public function response() { return json_decode($this->response_data); } /** * * Post data wrapper. * * @return void * **/ public function send() { $this->post(); return $this; } }