/** * Simple Share Buttons Adder. * * @package SimpleShareButtonsAdder */ /* exported SimpleShareButtonsAdder */ var SimpleShareButtonsAdder = ( function( $, wp ) { 'use strict'; return { /** * Holds data. */ data: {}, /** * Boot plugin. * * @param data */ boot: function( data ) { this.data = data; $( document ).ready( function() { this.init(); }.bind( this ) ); }, /** * Initialize plugin. */ init: function() { this.$plusContainer = $( '#plus-share-buttons' ); this.$shareContainer = $( '#share-bar' ); this.$gdprContainer = $('.gdpr-platform'); this.switchCheckboxes(); this.colorPicker(); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); this.dragSort(); this.extractIncludeList(); this.listen(); // Create admin style to fill. $( 'body.wp-admin' ).siblings( 'head' ).append( '' ); // Fill it. this.updateInlineStyle(); // Set GDPR purposes. this.setPurposes($('.gdpr-config').is(':visible')); // Check if terms accepted and create property if doesn't exist. if ('true' === $('.ssba-admin-wrap').attr('data-accepted') && !this.data.propertyid) { this.createProperty(); } }, /** * Listener events. */ listen: function() { var self = this; var timer = ''; // Scroll to anchor in vendor list. // Send user input to category search AFTER they stop typing. $('body').on( 'keyup', '.vendor-search input', function( e ) { clearTimeout( timer ); timer = setTimeout( function() { self.scrollToAnchor($(this).val()); }.bind( this ), 500 ); } ); // Do not listen to 'enter' presses on form control elements. $( 'body' ).on( 'keypress keydown keyup', '.form-control', function( event ) { if ( 'Enter' === event.key || 13 === event.keyCode ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } } ); // New color select. this.$gdprContainer.on('click', "#sharethis-form-color .color", function() { $('#sharethis-form-color .color').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); // clear or show choices. this.$gdprContainer.on('click', '#clear-choices', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $( '.purpose-item input' ).prop( 'checked', false ); }); // clear or show choices. this.$gdprContainer.on('click', '#see-st-choices', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[1]"]').prop('checked', true); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[3]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[5]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[6]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[9]"][value="legitimate"]').prop('checked', true); $('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[10]"][value="legitimate"]').prop('checked', true); }); // Uncheck radio if click on selected box. $('body').on( 'click', '.gdpr-platform .lever', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const theInput = $( e.currentTarget ).siblings( 'input' ); if ( theInput.is( ':checked' ) ) { theInput.prop( 'checked', false ) } else { theInput.prop( 'checked', true ) } } ); // Close review us. $('body').on('click', '#close-review-us', function() { wp.ajax.post( 'ssba_ajax_hide_review', { nonce: self.data.nonce } ).always( function( results ) { $('.ssba-review-us').fadeOut(); }); }); // If selecting a tab. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.ssba-classic-tab, .ssba-modern-tab, .ssba-bar-tab, .ssba-gdpr', function(event) { var selection = 'classic'; if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'ssba-modern-tab') ) { selection = 'modern'; } if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'ssba-bar-tab') ) { selection = 'bar'; } if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'ssba-gdpr') ) { selection = 'gdpr'; } $( '#ssba_selected_tab' ).val( selection ); self.adminForm( event, this, true ); } ); // When changing image sets. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_image_set', function() { var imageSet = $( this ).val(); self.changeImageSets( imageSet ); } ); // Image uploads. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.ssbpUpload', function( event ) { var field = $( this ).attr( 'data-ssbp-input' ); event.preventDefault(); self.imageUploads( field ); } ); // SSBA admin form. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '#submit', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); self.adminForm( event, this, false ); } ); // Select preview. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_plus_button_style, #ssba_bar_style', function() { var selectId = '#' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ), selection = $( selectId + ' option:selected' ).val(), target = '#ssba-preview-2'; if ( '#ssba_plus_button_style' === selectId ) { target = '#ssba-preview'; } self.preview( selection, target ); } ); // Share bar preview position. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_bar_position', function() { var position = $( '#ssba_bar_position option:selected' ).val(); self.barPosition( position ); } ); // Classic button preview. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_image_set', function() { var selection = $( '#ssba_image_set option:selected' ).val(); self.classicPreview( selection, '', '-1', 'img' ); } ); this.$plusContainer.on( 'change', '#ssba_plus_height, #ssba_plus_width, #ssba_plus_icon_size, #ssba_plus_margin', function() { var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), selection = $( this ).val(), type; if ( 'ssba_plus_height' === id ) { type = 'height'; find = 'a'; self.updateInlineStyle(); } if ( 'ssba_plus_width' === id ) { type = 'width'; find = 'a'; } if ( 'ssba_plus_icon_size' === id ) { type = 'font-size'; find = 'a:before'; selection = selection + 'px'; self.updateInlineStyle(); } if ( 'ssba_plus_margin' === id ) { type = 'margin'; find = ''; selection = selection + 'px'; } self.classicPreview( selection, type, '', find ); } ); this.$shareContainer.on( 'change', '#ssba_bar_height, #ssba_bar_width, #ssba_bar_icon_size, #ssba_bar_margin', function() { var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), selection = $( this ).val(), type; if ( 'ssba_bar_height' === id ) { type = 'height'; find = 'a'; self.updateInlineStyle(); } if ( 'ssba_bar_width' === id ) { type = 'width'; find = 'a'; } if ( 'ssba_bar_icon_size' === id ) { type = 'font-size'; find = 'a:before'; selection = selection + 'px'; self.updateInlineStyle(); } if ( 'ssba_bar_margin' === id ) { type = 'margin'; find = ''; selection = selection + 'px'; } self.classicPreview( selection, type, '-2', find ); } ); // Classic button css preview. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_size, #ssba_padding, #ssba_align', function() { var value = $( this ).val(), id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), type = 'padding', target = 'li'; if ( 'ssba_size' === id ) { type = 'height'; } if ( 'ssba_align' === id ) { target = 'ul'; type = 'text-align'; } self.classicCss( type, value, target, '-1' ); } ); $( 'body' ).on( 'keydown keyup', '#ssba_padding', function( e ){ if ( $( this ).val() > 50 && e.keyCode !== 46 // delete && e.keyCode !== 8 // backspace ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).val(50); } }); // Plus button css preview. this.$plusContainer.on( 'change', '#ssba_plus_align', function() { var value = $( this ).val(), id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), type, target = ''; if ( 'ssba_plus_align' === id ) { target = 'ul'; type = 'text-align'; } self.classicCss( type, value, target, '' ); } ); // Update icon and other non DOM style preview. this.$plusContainer.on( 'change', '#ssba_plus_icon_size', function() { self.updateInlineStyle(); } ); // Class button bar text css preview. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '.share-text-prev input, .share-text-prev select', function() { var value = $( this ).val(), id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), type, sel_value = $( '#' + id + ' option:selected' ).val(), tab = $( this ).closest( '.tab-pane' ).attr( 'id' ); if ( 'ssba_share_text' === id || 'ssba_plus_share_text' === id ) { type = 'html'; } if ( 'ssba_font_color' === id || 'ssba_plus_font_color' === id ) { type = 'color'; } if ( 'ssba_font_family' === id || 'ssba_plus_font_family' === id ) { type = 'font-family'; value = sel_value; } if ( 'ssba_font_size' === id || 'ssba_plus_font_size' === id ) { type = 'font-size'; value = value + 'px'; } if ( 'ssba_font_weight' === id || 'ssba_plus_font_weight' === id ) { type = 'font-weight'; value = sel_value; } if ( ( 'ssba_text_placement' === id || 'ssba_plus_text_placement' === id ) && 'above' !== value && 'below' !== value ) { type = 'float'; value = sel_value; } if ( ( 'ssba_text_placement' === id || 'ssba_plus_text_placement' === id ) && ( 'above' === value || 'below' === value ) ) { type = 'placement'; } self.classicTextCss( type, value, '#' + tab + ' .ssba-share-text-prev' ); } ); // Class button share text css preview. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '.share-cont-prev input', function() { var value = $( this ).val(), id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), type, bWidth = $( '#ssba_border_width' ).val() + 'px', bColor = $( '#ssba_div_border' ).val(), target = '.ssba-preview-content'; if ( 'ssba_div_padding' === id ) { type = 'padding'; if ( 50 <= parseInt( value ) ) { value = value + 'px'; } else { value = '50px'; } target = '#ssba-preview-1'; } if ( 'ssba_div_background' === id ) { type = 'background'; } if ( 'ssba_div_border' === id ) { type = 'border'; value = bWidth + ' solid ' + value; target = '#ssba-preview-1'; } if ( 'ssba_border_width' === id ) { type = 'border'; value = value + 'px solid ' + bColor; target = '#ssba-preview-1'; } self.classicTextCss( type, value, target ); } ); // Container radius switch. $( 'body' ).on( 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', '#ssba_div_rounded_corners', function( event, state ) { var type = 'border-radius', value = '0'; if ( state ) { value = '10px'; } self.classicTextCss( type, value, '#ssba-preview-1' ); } ) // Share count switch. $( 'body' ).on( 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', '#ssba_show_share_count', function( event, state ) { var type = $( '#ssba_share_count_style option:selected' ).val(); if ( state ) { $( '#ssba-preview-1 .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).addClass( 'ssba_sharecount' ).addClass( 'ssba_' + type ); } ); } else { $( '#ssba-preview-1 .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).removeClass( 'ssba_sharecount' ).removeClass( 'ssba_' + type ); } ); } } ); // Share plus count switch. $( 'body' ).on( 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', '#ssba_plus_show_share_count', function( event, state ) { if ( state ) { $( '#ssba-preview .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); } ); } else { $( '#ssba-preview .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).hide(); } ); } } ); // Share share bar count switch. $( 'body' ).on( 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', '#ssba_bar_show_share_count', function( event, state ) { if ( state ) { $( '#ssba-preview-2 .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); } ); } else { $( '#ssba-preview-2 .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).hide(); } ); } } ); // Share count style. $( 'body' ).on( 'change', '#ssba_bar_count_style', function() { var type = $( '#ssba_bar_count_style option:selected' ).val(); $( '#ssba-preview-1 .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( 'span' ).removeClass( 'ssba_default' ).removeClass( 'ssba_white' ).removeClass( 'ssba_blue' ).addClass( 'ssba_' + type ); } ); } ); // Swap classic and plus buttons. $( 'body' ).on( 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', '#ssba_new_buttons', function( event, state ) { self.swapButtons( state ); } ); // Toggle button menus when arrows are clicked. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.accor-wrap .accor-tab', function() { var type = $( this ).find( 'span.accor-arrow' ); self.updateAccors( type.html(), type ); } ); // Add class to preview when scrolled to. $( window ).on( 'scroll', function(){ var stickyPlusTop = $( '#ssba-preview-title-2' ).offset().top; if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= stickyPlusTop ) { $( '.master-ssba-prev-wrap2, #ssba-preview' ).addClass( 'ssba-sticky' ); } else { $( '.master-ssba-prev-wrap2, #ssba-preview' ).removeClass( 'ssba-sticky' ); } } ); // Network selection change. $( 'body' ).on( 'mouseout', '#ssbasort2, #ssbasort1', function() { var list = $( '#ssba_selected_buttons' ).val().split( ',' ); self.updateNetworkPreview( list, '-1', 'img' ); } ); // Network share selection change. $( 'body' ).on( 'mouseout', '#ssbasort4, #ssbasort3', function() { var list = $( '#ssba_selected_bar_buttons' ).val().split( ',' ); self.updateNetworkPreview( list, '-2', 'div.ssbp-text' ); } ); // Network plus selection change. $( 'body' ).on( 'mouseout', '#ssbasort6, #ssbasort5', function() { var list = $( '#ssba_selected_plus_buttons' ).val().split( ',' ); self.updateNetworkPreview( list, '', 'div.ssbp-text' ); } ); // Add id to color picker submit. $( 'body' ).on( 'focus', '.ssba-colorpicker', function() { var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); $( '.colpick_submit' ).attr( 'id', id ); } ); // Dismiss notice. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.ssba-tab-container blockquote .notice-dismiss', function() { var type = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); // Save dismiss status to database. self.dismissNotice( type ); } ); // Copy text from read only input fields. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '#ssba-copy-shortcode', function() { self.copyText( $( '.ssba-buttons-shortcode' ) ); } ); // Enable GDPR. $('body').on('click', '#enable-gdpr', function() { self.enableGdpr( true ); }); }, /** * Switch for checkboxes. */ switchCheckboxes: function() { $('.ssba-admin-wrap input:checkbox').bootstrapSwitch( { onColor: 'primary', size: 'normal' } ); }, /** * Color picker. */ colorPicker: function() { $( '.ssba-colorpicker' ).colpick( { layout: 'hex', submit: 1, onSubmit: function( hsb, hex, rgb, el, colid ) { $( el ).val( '#' + hex ); $( el ).css( 'border-color', '#' + hex ); $( el ).colpickHide(); } } ); }, /** * Add drag and sort functions to include table. */ dragSort: function() { $( '#ssbasort1, #ssbasort2, #ssbasort3, #ssbasort4, #ssbasort5, #ssbasort6' ).sortable( { connectWith: '.ssbaSortable' } ).disableSelection(); }, /** * Extract and add include list to hidden field. */ extractIncludeList: function() { $( '#ssba_selected_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort2 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); // After a change, extract and add include list to hidden field. $( '.ssbp-wrap' ).mouseout( function() { $( '#ssba-preview-1 .ssbp-list' ).html(); $( '#ssba_selected_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort2 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() // build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); } ); $( '#ssba_selected_bar_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort4 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); // After a change, extract and add include list to hidden field. $( '.ssbp-wrap' ).mouseout( function() { $( '#ssba_selected_bar_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort4 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() // build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); } ); $( '#ssba_selected_plus_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort6 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); // After a change, extract and add include list to hidden field. $( '.ssbp-wrap' ).mouseout( function() { $( '#ssba_selected_plus_buttons' ).val( $( '#ssbasort6 li' ).map( function() { // For each
in the list, return its inner text and let .map() // build an array of those values. return $( this ).attr( 'id' ); } ).get() ); } ); }, /** * When changing image sets. * * @param imageSet */ changeImageSets: function( imageSet ) { if ( 'custom' === imageSet ) { $( '#ssba-custom-images' ).fadeIn( 100 ); } else { $( '#ssba-custom-images' ).fadeOut( 100 ); } }, /** * Image Uploads * * @param field */ imageUploads: function( field ) { var custom_uploader = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: 'Add Image', button: { text: 'Add Image' }, multiple: false } ), button, buttonClass; custom_uploader.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); $( '#' + field ).val( attachment.url ); // Update button preview. button = field.replace( 'ssba_custom_', '' ); buttonClass = '.ssbp-li--' + button; $( buttonClass + ' img' ).attr( 'src', attachment.url ); } ); custom_uploader.open(); }, /** * SSBA admin form. * * @param event * @param submit * @param tabSelect */ adminForm: function ( event, submit, tabSelect ) { var ssbaData = $('#ssba-admin-form').serialize(), ssba_selected_tab = $('#ssba_selected_tab').val(), gdpr_config = this.getConfig(); // Show spinner to show save in progress. $('button.ssba-btn-save').html('
'); // Disable all inputs. $( ':input' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); $( '.ssba-admin-wrap input:checkbox' ).bootstrapSwitch( 'disabled', true ); var theData = { ssbaData: ssbaData, ssba_selected_tab: ssba_selected_tab, gdpr_config: gdpr_config }; if (undefined !== this.data.token && '' !== this.data.token) { // Update st config. $.ajax({ url: 'https://platform-api.sharethis.com/v1.0/property/product', method: 'POST', async: false, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ 'secret': this.data.token, 'id': this.data.propertyid, 'product': 'gdpr-compliance-tool-v2', 'config': gdpr_config }) }); } $.post( $( submit ).prop( 'action' ), theData, function() { // Show success. $( 'button.ssba-btn-save-success' ).fadeIn( 100 ).delay( 2500 ).fadeOut( 200 ); // Re-enable inputs and reset save button. $( ':input' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); $( '.ssba-admin-wrap input:checkbox' ).bootstrapSwitch( 'disabled', false ); $( 'button.ssba-btn-save' ).html( '
' ); } ).always( function( response ) { // Refresh page. if (!tabSelect) { location.reload(); } } ); // End post. }, /** * Update the preview buttons with selected theme. * * @param selection * @param target */ preview: function( selection, target ) { const theTarget = document.querySelector( target ); if ( theTarget ) { theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-11'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-10'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-9'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-8'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-7'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-6'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-5'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-4'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-3'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-2'); theTarget.classList.remove('ssbp--theme-1'); theTarget.classList.add('ssbp--theme-' + selection ); } }, /** * Update class on share bar preview to switch position. * * @param position */ barPosition: function( position ) { if ( 'right' === position ) { $( '#ssba-preview-2' ).removeClass( 'left' ); } else { $( '#ssba-preview-2' ).removeClass( 'right' ); } $( '#ssba-preview-2' ).addClass( position ); }, /** * Add message to classic tab when plus buttons are enabled. * * @param value */ swapButtons: function( value ) { if ( value ) { $( '#classic-share-buttons blockquote.yellow:first-of-type' ).show(); } else { $( '#classic-share-buttons blockquote.yellow:first-of-type' ).hide(); } }, /** * Toggle the accordions. * * @param type * @param arrow */ updateAccors: function( type, arrow ) { var closestButton = $( arrow ).parent( '.accor-tab' ).parent( '.accor-wrap' ); if ( '►' === type ) { // Show the button configs. closestButton.find( '.accor-content' ).slideDown(); // Change the icon next to title. closestButton.find( '.accor-arrow' ).html( '▼' ); } else { // Show the button configs. closestButton.find( '.accor-content' ).slideUp(); // Change the icon next to title. closestButton.find( '.accor-arrow' ).html( '►' ); } }, /** * Change classic preview css. * * @param style * @param value * @param target * @param button */ classicCss: function( style, value, target, button ) { var lineHeight, width; if ( 'li' === target ) { $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' .ssbp-list li' ).each( function () { $( this ).find( 'img' ).css( style, value ); if ( 'height' === style ) { lineHeight = parseInt( $( '#ssba_padding' ).val() ) + parseInt( value ) + 3 + 'px'; $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' .ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight ); $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' ul li img' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight ); } if ( 'padding' === style ) { width = parseInt( $( '#ssba_size' ).val() ) + parseInt( value ) + 3 + 'px'; $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' .ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight ); $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' ul li img' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight ); } } ); } if ( 'ul' === target ) { $( '#ssba-preview' + button ).css( style, value ); } }, /** * Change images used in classic preview. * * @param selection * @param target * @param button * @param find */ classicPreview: function( selection, target, button, find, type ) { var title, imgSrc, height = $( '#ssba_' + type + '_height' ).val(), margin = $( '#ssba_plus_margin' ).val(), placement = $( '#ssba_plus_text_placement option:selected' ).val(), lineHeight, self = this; if ( '' === height ) { height = 48; } if ( '' === margin ) { margin = 0; } lineHeight = parseInt( height ) + parseInt( margin ) * 2; if ( ( 'height' === target || 'margin' === target ) && ( '' === button || '-1' === button ) && ( 'above' !== placement && 'below' !== placement ) ) { $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' .ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight + 'px' ); $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' ul li img' ).css( 'line-height', lineHeight + 'px' ); } if ( 'height' === target && 'share' === type ) { self.updateInlineStyle(); } $( '#ssba-preview' + button + ' .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { if ( '' === target ) { title = $( this ).find( find ).attr( 'title' ).toLowerCase(); imgSrc = self.data.site + selection + '/' + title.replace( /[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g, '' ).replace( ' ', '_' ) + '.png'; if ( 'custom' !== selection ) { $( this ).find( find ).attr( 'src', imgSrc ); } else { $( this ).find( find ).attr( 'src', '' ); } } if ( '' !== find ) { $( this ).find( find ).css( target, selection ); } else { $( this ).css( target, selection ); } } ); }, /** * Update the share text styling. * * @param type * @param value * @param target */ classicTextCss: function( type, value, target ) { var height = $( '#ssba_plus_height' ).val(), margin = $( '#ssba_plus_margin' ).val(), cheight = $( '#ssba_size' ).val(), cmargin = $( '#ssba_padding' ).val() * 2, lineHeight, clineHeight; if ( '' === height || '' === cheight ) { height = 48; cheight = 48; } if ( '' === margin || '' === cmargin ) { margin = 0; cmargin = 0; } lineHeight = parseInt( height ) + parseInt( margin ) * 2; clineHeight = parseInt( cheight ) + parseInt( cmargin ); if ( 'float' === type ) { $( '#ssba-preview-1 .ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', clineHeight + 'px' ); $( '#ssba-preview-1 ul li img' ).css( 'line-height', clineHeight + 'px' ); } if ( 'html' !== type && 'placement' !== type ) { $( target ).css( type, value ); } if ( 'html' === type ) { $( target ).html( value ); } if ( 'placement' === type && 'above' === value ) { $( target ).css( { 'float' : 'none', 'display' : 'inline' } ); $( '.ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', 'inherit' ); } if ( 'placement' === type && 'below' === value ) { $( target ).css( { 'display' : 'table-footer-group', 'float' : 'none' } ); $( '.ssba-share-text-prev' ).css( 'line-height', 'inherit' ); } }, /** * Update the networks in the preview with new list. * * @param list * @param number * @param type */ updateNetworkPreview: function( list, number, type ) { $( '#ssba-preview' + number + ' .ssbp-list li' ).addClass( 'ssba-hide-button' ); $.each( list, function( index, id ) { $( '#ssba-preview' + number + ' .ssbp-list li' ).each( function() { var newid = $( this ).find( type ).attr( 'title' ).toLowerCase().replace( '+', '' ).replace( ' ', '_' ); if ( id === newid ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'ssba-hide-button' ); } } ); } ); }, /** * Update style for non DOM styles. */ updateInlineStyle: function() { var iconSize = $( '#ssba_plus_icon_size' ).val(), iconLineHeight = $( '#ssba_plus_height' ).val(), iconColor = $( '#ssba_plus_icon_color' ).val(), iconColorHover = $( '#ssba_plus_icon_hover_color' ).val(), buttonColorHover = $( '#ssba_plus_button_hover_color' ).val(), iconSizeBar = $( '#ssba_bar_icon_size' ).val(), iconLineHeightBar = $( '#ssba_bar_height' ).val(), iconColorBar = $( '#ssba_bar_icon_color' ).val(), iconColorHoverBar = $( '#ssba_bar_icon_hover_color' ).val(), buttonColorHoverBar = $( '#ssba_bar_button_hover_color' ).val(), newStyle = '#ssba-preview .ssbp-btn svg, #ssba-preview .ssbp-btn svg path { width: ' + iconSize + 'px; height: ' + iconSize + 'px; line-height: ' + iconLineHeight + 'px; fill: ' + iconColor + '; } #ssba-preview .ssbp-btn:hover svg, #ssba-preview .ssbp-btn:hover svg path { fill: ' + iconColorHover + '!important; } #ssba-preview .ssbp-btn:hover { background: ' + buttonColorHover + '!important; } #ssba-preview-2 .ssbp-btn svg { width: ' + iconSizeBar + 'px; height: ' + iconSizeBar + 'px; line-height: ' + iconLineHeightBar + 'px; fill: ' + iconColorBar + '; } #ssba-preview-2 .ssbp-btn:hover svg { fill: ' + iconColorHoverBar + '; } #ssba-preview-2 .ssbp-btn:hover { background: ' + buttonColorHoverBar + '!important; }'; $( '#simple-share-buttons-adder-styles-inline-css' ).html( newStyle ); }, /** * Add dismiss status to blockquote notices. * * @param type */ dismissNotice: function (type) { // Send newsletter id to the test function. wp.ajax.post('dismiss_notice', { type: type, nonce: this.data.nonce }).always(function (response) { // Hide notice. $('#' + type).closest('blockquote').hide(); }); }, /** * Copy text to clipboard * * @param copiedText */ copyText: function ( copiedText ) { copiedText.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); }, /** * Create property for new account. * */ createProperty: function ( fromGdpr ) { var self = this; const theData = JSON.stringify({ domain: this.data.homeUrl, is_simpleshare: true, product: 'simple-share', }); $.ajax( { url: 'https://platform-api.sharethis.com/v1.0/property', method: 'POST', async: false, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: theData, success: function ( results ) { wp.ajax.post( 'ssba_ajax_add_creds', { propertyId: results._id, token: results.secret, nonce: self.data.nonce } ).always( function ( results ) { } ); } } ); }, /** * Helper function to grab config of GDPR options. * * @param {bool} first If first enable. */ getConfig: function ( first ) { var config, enabled = first ? true : $('#sharethis-enabled').is(':checked'), publisherPurposes = [], publisherRestrictions = {}, display = $( '#sharethis-user-type option:selected' ).val(), name = $( '#sharethis-publisher-name' ).val(), scope = $( '#sharethis-consent-type option:selected' ).val(), color = $( '#sharethis-form-color .color.selected' ).attr('data-value'), language = $( '#st-language' ).val(); $('.vendor-table-cell-wrapper label input:checked').each( function( index, value ) { var vendorId = $(value).attr('data-id'); if (vendorId) { publisherRestrictions[vendorId] = true; } }); $('#publisher-purpose input:checked').each( function( index, value ) { var theId = $(value).attr('data-id'), legit = 'consent' !== $(value).val(); publisherPurposes.push({ 'id': theId, 'legitimate_interest' : legit }); }); config = { enabled: enabled, display: display, publisher_name: name, publisher_purposes: publisherPurposes, publisher_restrictions: publisherRestrictions, language: language, color: color, scope: scope, }; return config; }, /** * Helper function to set gdpr purpose radio fields. * @param configVisible */ setPurposes: function (configVisible) { const self = this; if (!configVisible) { return; } $("#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input").prop('checked', false); $("#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name='purposes[1]']").bootstrapSwitch( 'state', false ); if (this.data['publisher_purposes']) { this.data['publisher_purposes'].map((purpVal) => { var legit = 'true' === purpVal['legitimate_interest'] || true === purpVal['legitimate_interest'], consent = 'false' === purpVal['legitimate_interest'] || false === purpVal['legitimate_interest']; $( `#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name="purposes[${purpVal.id}]"][value="legitimate"]` ).prop( 'checked', legit ); $( `#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name="purposes[${purpVal.id}]"][value="consent"]` ).prop( 'checked', consent ); if ('1' === purpVal.id) { $("#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name='purposes[1]']").bootstrapSwitch( 'state', consent ); } } ); } if ( undefined !== self.data['publisher_restrictions'] ) { $( ".vendor-table-body .vendor-table-cell-wrapper input" ).prop( 'checked', false ); $( ".vendor-table-body .vendor-table-cell-wrapper input" ).bootstrapSwitch( 'state', false ); $.map( self.data['publisher_restrictions'], function ( id, venVal ) { if ( id ) { $( `.vendor-table-body .vendor-table-cell-wrapper input[type="checkbox"][data-id="${venVal}"]` ).prop( 'checked', true ); $( `.vendor-table-body .vendor-table-cell-wrapper input[type="checkbox"][data-id="${venVal}"]` ).bootstrapSwitch( 'state', true ); } } ); } }, /** * Enable gdpr product. * * @param {bool} first Is it first enable. */ enableGdpr: function( first ) { const self = this; const config = this.getConfig( first ); $.ajax({ url: 'https://platform-api.sharethis.com/v1.0/property/product', method: 'POST', async: false, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ 'secret': self.data.token, 'id': self.data.propertyid, 'product': 'gdpr-compliance-tool-v2', 'config': config }), success: function ( results ) { wp.ajax.post( 'ssba_ajax_update_gdpr', { config: config, nonce: self.data.nonce } ).always( function ( results ) { } ); } }); $('.gdpr-landing').hide(); $('.gdpr-config').show(); }, scrollToAnchor: function(aid) { var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid.toLowerCase() +"']"); $('.vendor-table-body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0).animate({ scrollTop: aTag.offset().top - 1100 }, 0); }, }; } )( window.jQuery, window.wp );