'GlotPress/4.0.1','translation-revision-date'=>'2024-11-13 18:22:43+0000','plural-forms'=>'nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;','project-id-version'=>'Themes - Twenty Twenty-Three','language'=>'es','messages'=>['Twenty Twenty-Three is designed to take advantage of the new design tools introduced in WordPress 6.1. With a clean, blank base as a starting point, this default theme includes ten diverse style variations created by members of the WordPress community. Whether you want to build a complex or incredibly simple website, you can do it quickly and intuitively through the bundled styles or dive into creation and full customization yourself.'=>'Twenty Twenty-Three está diseñado para aprovechar las nuevas herramientas de diseño introducidas en WordPress 6.1. Con una base limpia y en blanco como punto de partida, este tema por defecto incluye diez variaciones de estilo diversas creadas por miembros de la comunidad WordPress. Ya sea que desees crear una web compleja o increíblemente simple, puedes hacerlo de forma rápida e intuitiva a través de los estilos incluidos o sumergirte en la creación y personalización completa tú mismo.','Twenty Twenty-Three'=>'Twenty Twenty-Three','Main heading for homepageMindblown: a blog about philosophy.'=>'Mente despierta: un blog sobre filosofía.','Pattern titleHidden Heading for Homepage'=>'Encabezado oculto para la página de inicio.','Pattern descriptionPost meta information with separator on the top.'=>'Información de metadatos de la entrada con separador en la parte superior.','Pattern descriptionFooter with site title and powered by WordPress.'=>'Pie de página con el título del sitio y el texto «funciona con WordPress».','Pattern descriptionLeft-aligned text with a CTA button and a separator.'=>'Texto alineado a la izquierda con un botón CTA y un separador.','Template part nameComments Template Part'=>'Parte de plantilla de comentarios','Template part namePost Meta'=>'Metadatos de la entrada','Template part nameFooter'=>'Pie de página','Template part nameHeader'=>'Cabecera','Font family nameSource Serif Pro'=>'Source Serif Pro','Font family nameSystem Font'=>'Fuente del sistema','Font family nameInter'=>'Inter','Font family nameIBM Plex Mono'=>'IBM Plex Mono','Font family nameDM Sans'=>'DM Sans','Custom template name404'=>'404','Custom template nameBlog (Alternative)'=>'Blog (Alternativo)','Custom template nameBlank'=>'En blanco','Style variation nameWhisper'=>'Susurro','Gradient nameTertiary to Secondary to Primary Fixed'=>'Terciario a secundario a principal fijo','Gradient namePrimary to Secondary to Tertiary Fixed'=>'Principal a secundario a terciario fijo','Gradient namePrimary to Secondary to Tertiary'=>'Principal a secundario a terciario','Style variation nameSherbet'=>'Sorbete','Font size name2X Large'=>'Grande 2X','Font size nameExtra Large'=>'Extra grande','Font size nameLarge'=>'Grande','Font size nameMedium'=>'Medio','Font size namesmall'=>'pequeño','Space size name7'=>'7','Style variation namePitch'=>'Tono','Gradient nameDots'=>'Puntos','Gradient nameBase to Primary'=>'Base a principal','Gradient nameTertiary to Secondary'=>'Terciario a secundario','Gradient nameSecondary to Primary'=>'Secundario a principal','Gradient namePrimary to Secondary'=>'Principal a secundario','Style variation namePilgrimage'=>'Peregrinación','Font size nameGigantic'=>'Gigantesco','Font size nameHuge'=>'Enorme','Font size nameNormal'=>'Normal','Font size nameTiny'=>'Diminuto','Space size name6'=>'6','Space size name5'=>'5','Space size name4'=>'4','Space size name3'=>'3','Space size name2'=>'2','Space size name1'=>'1','Style variation nameMarigold'=>'Caléndula','Style variation nameGrapes'=>'Uvas','Style variation nameElectric'=>'Eléctrico','Style variation nameCanary'=>'Canarias','Duotone nameDefault filter'=>'Filtro por defecto','Style variation nameBlock out'=>'Bloqueo','Color nameTertiary'=>'Terciario','Color nameSecondary'=>'Secundario','Color namePrimary'=>'Principal','Color nameContrast'=>'Contraste','Color nameBase'=>'Base','Gradient namePrimary to Tertiary'=>'Principal a terciario','Gradient nameTertiary to Primary'=>'Terciario a principal','Gradient nameBase to Secondary to Base'=>'Base a secundario a base','Gradient nameSecondary to Base'=>'Secundario a base','Style variation nameAubergine'=>'Berenjena','Label for a list of post tagsTags:'=>'Etiquetas:','Preposition to show the relationship between the post and its authorby'=>'por','Preposition to show the relationship between the post and its categoriesin'=>'en','Verb to explain the publication status of a postPosted'=>'Publicado','Pattern titlePost Meta'=>'Metadatos de la entrada','Message explaining that there are no results returned from a searchSorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.'=>'Lo siento, pero no hay nada que coincida con tus términos de búsqueda. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo con algunas palabras clave diferentes.','Pattern titleHidden No Results Content'=>'Contenido sin resultados oculto','Title of comments sectionComments'=>'Comentarios','Pattern titleHidden Comments'=>'Comentarios ocultos','Search'=>'Buscar','placeholder for search fieldSearch...'=>'Buscar…','labelSearch'=>'Buscar','Message to convey that a webpage could not be foundThis page could not be found.'=>'No se ha podido encontrar esta página.','Error code for a webpage that is not found.404'=>'404','Pattern titleHidden 404'=>'404 oculta','Proudly powered by %s'=>'Funciona gracias a %s','Pattern titleDefault Footer'=>'Pie de página por defecto','sample content for call to action buttonGet In Touch'=>'Contáctanos','sample content for call to actionGot any book recommendations?'=>'¿Quieres recomendar algún libro?','Pattern titleCall to action'=>'Llamada a la acción','https://wordpress.org'=>'https://es.wordpress.org','the WordPress team'=>'el equipo de WordPress','https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentythree'=>'https://es.wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentythree']];