' . esc_html__('MP TimeTable', 'trx_utils'); return $not_installed; } } // Set plugin's specific importer options if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_set_options' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_filter( 'trx_utils_filter_importer_options', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_set_options' ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_set_options($options=array()) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $options['required_plugins']) ) { //$options['additional_options'][] = 'mptt_%'; if (is_array($options['files']) && count($options['files']) > 0) { foreach ($options['files'] as $k => $v) { $options['files'][$k]['file_with_mp-timetable'] = str_replace('name.ext', 'mp-timetable.txt', $v['file_with_']); } } } return $options; } } // Add checkbox to the one-click importer if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_show_params' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_utils_action_importer_params', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_show_params', 10, 1 ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_show_params($importer) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $importer->options['required_plugins']) ) { $importer->show_importer_params(array( 'slug' => 'mp-timetable', 'title' => esc_html__('Import MP TimeTable', 'trx_utils'), 'part' => 0 )); } } } // Import posts if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_import' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_utils_action_importer_import', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_import', 10, 2 ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_import($importer, $action) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $importer->options['required_plugins']) ) { if ( $action == 'import_mp-timetable' ) { $importer->response['start_from_id'] = 0; $importer->import_dump('mp-timetable', esc_html__('MP TimeTable data', 'trx_utils')); } } } } // Check if the row will be imported if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_check_row' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_filter('trx_utils_filter_importer_import_row', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_check_row', 9, 4); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_check_row($flag, $table, $row, $list) { if ($flag || strpos($list, 'mp-timetable')===false) return $flag; if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() ) { if ($table == 'posts') $flag = in_array($row['post_type'], array(TRX_UTILS_MPTT_PT_EVENT, TRX_UTILS_MPTT_PT_COLUMN)); } return $flag; } } // Display import progress if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_import_fields' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_utils_action_importer_import_fields', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_import_fields', 10, 1 ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_import_fields($importer) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $importer->options['required_plugins']) ) { $importer->show_importer_fields(array( 'slug'=>'mp-timetable', 'title' => esc_html__('MP TimeTable data', 'trx_utils') ) ); } } } // Export posts if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_export' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_utils_action_importer_export', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_export', 10, 1 ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_export($importer) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $importer->options['required_plugins']) ) { trx_utils_fpc((TRX_UTILS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'importer/export/mp-timetable.txt'), serialize( array( "mp_timetable_data" => $importer->export_dump("mp_timetable_data") ) ) ); } } } // Display exported data in the fields if ( !function_exists( 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_export_fields' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_utils_action_importer_export_fields', 'trx_utils_mptt_importer_export_fields', 10, 1 ); function trx_utils_mptt_importer_export_fields($importer) { if ( trx_utils_exists_mptt() && in_array('mp-timetable', $importer->options['required_plugins']) ) { $importer->show_exporter_fields(array( 'slug' => 'mp-timetable', 'title' => esc_html__('MP TimeTable', 'trx_utils') ) ); } } } ?>