getDom(); $root = $dom->documentElement; $post = new Loco_mvc_PostParams( [ 'name' => $root->getAttribute('name'), 'exclude' => [ 'path' => '', ], 'conf' => [], ] ); /* @var LocoConfigElement $domain */ foreach( $this->query('domain',$root) as $domain ){ $domainName = $domain->getAttribute('name'); /* @var LocoConfigElement $project */ foreach( $domain as $project ){ $tree = [ 'name' => $project->getAttribute('name'), 'slug' => $project->getAttribute('slug'), 'domain' => $domainName, 'source' => [ 'path' => '', 'exclude' => [ 'path' => '' ], ], 'target' => [ 'path' => '', 'exclude' => [ 'path' => '' ], ], 'template' => [ 'path' => '', 'locked' => false ], ]; $post['conf'][] = $this->collectPaths( $project, $tree ); } } /* @var LocoConfigElement $paths */ foreach( $this->query('exclude',$root) as $paths ){ $post['exclude'] = $this->collectPaths( $paths, $post['exclude'] ); } return $post; } private function collectPaths( LocoConfigElement $parent, array $branch ){ $texts = []; foreach( $parent as $child ){ $name = $child->nodeName; // all file types as "path" in form model if( 'file' === $name || 'directory' === $name ){ $name = 'path'; } if( isset($branch[$name]) ){ // collect text if child is a
node if( 'path' === $name ){ $file = $this->evaluateFileElement($child); $path = $file->getRelativePath( $this->getDirectoryPath() ); if( '' === $path ){ $path = '.'; } $texts[] = $path; } // else could be simple key to next depth else if( is_array($branch[$name]) ){ $branch[$name] = $this->collectPaths( $child, $branch[$name] ); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart else { throw new Exception('Unexpected structure: '.$name.' not in '.json_encode($branch) ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // parent may have attributes we can set in branch data foreach( $branch as $name => $default ){ if( $parent->hasAttribute($name) ){ if( is_bool($default) ){ $branch[$name] = $this->evaluateBooleanAttribute($parent, $name); } else { $branch[$name] = $parent->getAttribute($name); } } } // set compiled path values if any collected if( $texts ){ $value = implode("\n", $texts ); // display single root path as empty, but not when additional paths defined if( '.' === $value ){ $branch['path'] = ''; } else { $branch['path'] = $value; } } return $branch; } /** * Construct model from posted form data. * @return void */ public function loadForm( Loco_mvc_PostParams $post ){ // basic validation unlikely to fail when posted from UI $name = $post->name; if( ! $name ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Bundle must have a name'); } $confs = $post->conf; if( ! $confs || ! is_array($confs) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Bundle must have at least one definition'); } // transform posted data into internal model: // deliberately not configuring bundle object at this point. simply converting data for storage. $dom = $this->getDom(); $root = $dom->createElement('bundle'); $root->setAttribute( 'name', $name ); $dom->appendChild($root); // bundle level excluded paths if( $nodes = array_intersect_key( $post->getArrayCopy(), [ 'exclude' => '' ] ) ) { $this->loadStruct( $root, $nodes ); } // collect all projects grouped by domain $domains = []; foreach( $confs as $conf ){ if( ! empty($conf['removed']) ){ continue; } if( empty($conf['domain']) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException( __('Text Domain cannot be empty','loco-translate') ); } $domains[ $conf['domain'] ][] = $project = $dom->createElement('project'); // project attributes foreach( ['name','slug'] as $attr ){ if( isset($conf[$attr]) ){ $project->setAttribute( $attr, $conf[$attr] ); } } // project children if( $nodes = array_intersect_key( $conf, [ 'source' => '', 'target' => '', 'template' => '' ] ) ) { $this->loadStruct( $project, $nodes ); } } // add all domains and their projects foreach( $domains as $name => $projects ){ $parent = $dom->createElement('domain'); $parent->setAttribute('name',$name); $root->appendChild($parent); /* @var $project LocoConfigElement */ foreach( $projects as $project ){ $parent->appendChild( $project ); } } } /** * Recursively add array structure into model. * - Text nodes are split into one parent element per line. * - Elements added here cannot have attributes, but are not expected to as they came from form fields */ private function loadStruct( LocoConfigElement $parent, array $nodes ){ $dom = $this->getDom(); foreach( $nodes as $name => $data ){ if( is_string($data) ){ // support common path containing elements if( 'file' === $name || 'directory' === $name || 'path' === $name ){ // form model has multiline "path" nodes which we'll expand from non-empty lines // resolving empty paths to "." must be done elsewhere. here empty means ignore. foreach( preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', trim( $data,"\n\r"), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ) as $path ){ $ext = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); $child = $parent->appendChild( $dom->createElement( $ext ? 'file' : 'directory' ) ); $child->appendChild( $dom->createTextNode($path) ); } } // else assume value is an attribute else { $parent->setAttribute( $name, $data ); } } else if( is_bool($data) ){ $data ? $parent->setAttribute($name,'true') : $parent->removeAttribute($name); } else if( ! is_array($data) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid datatype'); } else { $child = $dom->createElement($name); $parent->appendChild($child); $this->loadStruct( $child, $data ); } } } }