get('use-selector') ){ $tag = $this->get('select-locale'); } else { $tag = $this->get('custom-locale'); } $locale = Loco_Locale::parse($tag); if( ! $locale->isValid() ){ throw new Loco_error_LocaleException('Invalid locale'); } return $locale; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $post = $this->validate(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $project = $this->getProject( $bundle ); $domain = (string) $project->getDomain(); $locale = $this->getLocale(); $suffix = (string) $locale; // The front end posts a template path, so we must replace the actual locale code $base = loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR'); $path = $post->path[ $post['select-path'] ]; // The request_filesystem_credentials function will try to access the "path" field later $_POST['path'] = $path; $pofile = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $path ); if( 'po' !== $pofile->fullExtension() ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Disallowed file extension'); } if( $suffix !== $pofile->getSuffix() ){ $pofile = $pofile->cloneLocale( $locale ); if( $suffix !== $pofile->getSuffix() ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Failed to suffix file path with locale code'); } } // target PO should not exist yet $pofile->normalize( $base ); $api = new Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem; $api->authorizeCreate( $pofile ); // Target MO probably doesn't exist, but we don't want to overwrite it without asking $mofile = $pofile->cloneExtension('mo'); if( $mofile->exists() ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception( __('MO file exists for this language already. Delete it first','loco-translate') ); } // Permit forcing of any parsable file as strings template $source = (string) $post->source; $compile = false; $mergejson = false; if( '' !== $source ){ $translate = ! $post->strip; $compile = $translate; $potfile = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $source ); $potfile->normalize( $base ); $data = Loco_gettext_Data::load($potfile); // When copying a PO file we may need to augment with JSON strings if( $post->json ){ $mergejson = true; $siblings = new Loco_fs_Siblings($potfile); $jsons = $siblings->getJsons($domain); if( $jsons ){ $refs = clone $data; $merge = new Loco_gettext_Matcher($project); $merge->loadRefs($refs,$translate); $merge->loadJsons($jsons); // resolve faux merge into empty instance $data->clear(); $merge->mergeValid($refs,$data); $merge->mergeAdded($data); } } // Remove target strings when copying PO without msgstr fields if( ! $translate && 'pot' !== $potfile->extension() ){ $data->strip(); } } // else parse POT file if project defines one that exists else { $potfile = $project->getPot(); if( $potfile->exists() ){ $data = Loco_gettext_Data::load($potfile); } // else extract directly from source code, assuming domain passed though from front end else { $extr = new Loco_gettext_Extraction( $bundle ); $data = $extr->addProject($project)->includeMeta()->getTemplate($domain); $potfile = null; } } // Let template define Project-Id-Version, else set header to current project name $headers = []; $vers = $data->getHeaders()->{'Project-Id-Version'}; if( ! $vers || 'PACKAGE VERSION' === $vers ){ $headers['Project-Id-Version'] = $project->getName(); } // fallback header not actually used, but keeping for informational purposes if( $potfile instanceof Loco_fs_LocaleFile && $post->link ){ $fallback = $potfile->getLocale(); if( $fallback->isValid() ){ $headers['X-Loco-Fallback'] = (string) $fallback; } } // finalize PO data ready to write to new file $locale->ensureName( new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations ); $data->localize( $locale, $headers ); // save sync options in PO headers if linked to a custom template. if( $potfile && $post->link ){ $opts = new Loco_gettext_SyncOptions( $data->getHeaders() ); $opts->setTemplate( $potfile->getRelativePath( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ) ); // legacy behaviour was to sync source AND target strings in the absence of the following $mode = $post->strip ? 'POT' : 'PO'; // even if no JSONs were merged we need to keep this option in case JSONs are added in future. if( $mergejson ){ $mode.= ',JSON'; } $opts->setSyncMode($mode); } // compile all files in this set when copying target translation $compiler = new Loco_gettext_Compiler($pofile); if( $compile ){ $compiler->writeAll($data,$project); } // empty translations don't require compiled files, but adding MO for completeness. else { $compiler->writePo($data); $data->clear(); $compiler->writeMo($data); } // return debugging information, used in tests. $this->set('debug',new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'poname' => $pofile->basename(), 'source' => $potfile ? $potfile->basename() : '', ] ) ); // push recent items on file creation Loco_data_RecentItems::get()->pushBundle($bundle)->persist(); // front end will redirect to the editor $type = strtolower( $this->get('type') ); $this->set( 'redirect', Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( sprintf('%s-file-edit',$type), [ 'path' => $pofile->getRelativePath($base), 'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle(), 'domain' => $project->getId(), ] ) ); return parent::render(); } }