"' . esc_html($msg) . '"
'; } } // Console log - output any message on the screen if (!function_exists('dco')) { function dco(&$var, $lvl=-1) { if (!function_exists('is_user_logged_in') || is_user_logged_in()) trx_utils_debug_dump_screen($var, $lvl); } } // Console obj - output object struct. on the screen if (!function_exists('dcs')) { function dcs($lvl=-1) { if (!function_exists('is_user_logged_in') || is_user_logged_in()) trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_screen($lvl); } } // Console stack - output calls stack on the screen if (!function_exists('dcw')) { function dcw($q=null) { if (!function_exists('is_user_logged_in') || is_user_logged_in()) trx_utils_debug_dump_wp($q); } } // Console WP - output WP is_... states on the screen if (!function_exists('ddo')) { function ddo(&$var, $lvl=-1) { trx_utils_debug_dump_var($var, $lvl); } } // Return obj - return object structure if (!function_exists('dfl')) { function dfl($var) { trx_utils_debug_trace_message($var); } } // File log - output any message into file debug.log if (!function_exists('dfo')) { function dfo(&$var, $lvl=-1) { trx_utils_debug_dump_file($var, $lvl); } } // File obj - output object structure into file debug.log if (!function_exists('dfs')) { function dfs($lvl=-1) { trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_file($lvl); } } // File stack - output calls stack into file debug.log // Save msg into file debug.log in the stylesheet directory if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_trace_message')) { function trx_utils_debug_trace_message($msg) { trx_utils_fpc(get_stylesheet_directory().'/debug.log', date('d.m.Y H:i:s')." $msg\n", FILE_APPEND); } } // Output call stack into the current page if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_screen')) { function trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_screen($level=-1) { $s = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($s); trx_utils_debug_dump_screen($s, $level); } } // Output call stack into the debug.log if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_file')) { function trx_utils_debug_calls_stack_file($level=-1) { $s = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($s); trx_utils_debug_dump_file($s, $level); } } // Output var's dump into the current page if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_dump_screen')) { function trx_utils_debug_dump_screen(&$var, $level=-1) { if ((is_array($var) || is_object($var)) && count($var)) echo "
\n".nl2br(esc_html(trx_utils_debug_dump_var($var, 0, $level)))."
\n"; else echo "
".nl2br(esc_html(trx_utils_debug_dump_var($var, 0, $level)))."
\n"; } } // Output var's dump into the debug.log if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_dump_file')) { function trx_utils_debug_dump_file(&$var, $level=-1) { trx_utils_debug_trace_message("\n\n".trx_utils_debug_dump_var($var, 0, $level)); } } // Return var's dump as string if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_dump_var')) { function trx_utils_debug_dump_var(&$var, $level=0, $max_level=-1) { if (is_array($var)) $type="Array[".count($var)."]"; else if (is_object($var)) $type="Object"; else $type=""; if ($type) { $rez = "$type\n"; if ($max_level<0 || $level < $max_level) { for (Reset($var), $level++; list($k, $v)=each($var); ) { if (is_array($v) && $k==="GLOBALS") continue; for ($i=0; $i<$level*3; $i++) $rez .= " "; $rez .= $k.' => '. trx_utils_debug_dump_var($v, $level, $max_level); } } } else if (is_bool($var)) $rez = ($var ? 'true' : 'false')."\n"; else if (is_long($var) || is_float($var) || intval($var) != 0) $rez = $var."\n"; else $rez = '"'.($var).'"'."\n"; return $rez; } } // Output WP is_...() state into the current page if (!function_exists('trx_utils_debug_dump_wp')) { function trx_utils_debug_dump_wp($query=null) { global $wp_query; if (!$query && !empty($wp_query)) $query = $wp_query; echo "
" ."
admin=".is_admin() ."
mobile=".wp_is_mobile() .($query ? "
main_query=".is_main_query()." query=".esc_html($query->is_main_query()) : '') ."
query->is_posts_page=".esc_html($query->is_posts_page) ."
home=".is_home().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_home()) : '') ."
fp=".is_front_page().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_front_page()) : '') ."
search=".is_search().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_search()) : '') ."
category=".is_category().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_category()) : '') ."
tag=".is_tag().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_tag()) : '') ."
archive=".is_archive().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_archive()) : '') ."
day=".is_day().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_day()) : '') ."
month=".is_month().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_month()) : '') ."
year=".is_year().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_year()) : '') ."
author=".is_author().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_author()) : '') ."
page=".is_page().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_page()) : '') ."
single=".is_single().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_single()) : '') ."
singular=".is_singular().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_singular()) : '') ."
attachment=".is_attachment().($query ? " query=".esc_html($query->is_attachment()) : '') ."
" ."
"; } } ?>