0 || in_array(strtolower($prm), array('true', 'on', 'yes', 'show')); } } if (!function_exists('trx_utils_is_off')) { function trx_utils_is_off($prm) { return empty($prm) || $prm===0 || in_array(strtolower($prm), array('false', 'off', 'no', 'none', 'hide')); } } // Return GET or POST value if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_value_gp')) { function trx_utils_get_value_gp($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return stripslashes($rez); } } // Output string with the html layout (if not empty) // (put it between 'before' and 'after' tags) // Attention! This string may contain layout formed in any plugin (widgets or shortcodes output) and not require escaping to prevent damage! if ( !function_exists('trx_utils_show_layout') ) { function trx_utils_show_layout($str, $before='', $after='') { if (trim($str) != '') { printf("%s%s%s", $before, $str, $after); } } } // Unserialize string (try replace \n with \r\n) if (!function_exists('trx_utils_unserialize')) { function trx_utils_unserialize($str) { if ( !empty($str) && is_serialized($str) ) { try { $data = unserialize($str); } catch (Exception $e) { dcl($e->getMessage()); $data = false; } if ($data===false) { try { $data = @unserialize(str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $str)); } catch (Exception $e) { dcl($e->getMessage()); $data = false; } } //if ($data===false) $data = @unserialize(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array('\\n','\\r'), $str)); return $data; } else return $str; } } // Clear WP cache (all, options or categories) if (!function_exists('trx_utils_clear_cache')) { function trx_utils_clear_cache($cc) { if ($cc == 'categories' || $cc == 'all') { wp_cache_delete('category_children', 'options'); $taxes = get_taxonomies(); if (is_array($taxes) && count($taxes) > 0) { foreach ($taxes as $tax ) { delete_option( "{$tax}_children" ); _get_term_hierarchy( $tax ); } } } else if ($cc == 'options' || $cc == 'all') wp_cache_delete('alloptions', 'options'); if ($cc == 'all') wp_cache_flush(); } } // Return first key (by default) or value from associative array if (!function_exists('trx_utils_array_get_first')) { function trx_utils_array_get_first(&$arr, $key=true) { foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) break; return $key ? $k : $v; } } /* Enqueue scripts and styles from child or main theme directory and use .min version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Enqueue .min.css (if exists and filetime .min.css > filetime .css) instead .css if (!function_exists('trx_utils_enqueue_style')) { function trx_utils_enqueue_style($handle, $src=false, $depts=array(), $ver=null, $media='all') { global $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE; $load = true; if (!is_array($src) && $src !== false && $src !== '') { $theme_dir = get_template_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $theme_url = get_template_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_dir = get_stylesheet_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $dir = $url = ''; if (strpos($src, $child_url)===0) { $dir = $child_dir; $url = $child_url; } else if (strpos($src, $theme_url)===0) { $dir = $theme_dir; $url = $theme_url; } else if (strpos($src, $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url'])===0) { $dir = $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']; $url = $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url']; } if ($dir != '') { if (substr($src, -4)=='.css') { if (substr($src, -8)!='.min.css') { $src_min = substr($src, 0, strlen($src)-4).'.min.css'; $file_src = $dir . substr($src, strlen($url)); $file_min = $dir . substr($src_min, strlen($url)); if (file_exists($file_min) && filemtime($file_src) <= filemtime($file_min)) $src = $src_min; } } $file_src = $dir . substr($src, strlen($url)); $load = file_exists($file_src) && filesize($file_src) > 0; } } if ($load) { if (is_array($src)) wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $depts, $ver, $media ); else if (!empty($src) || $src===false) wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $src, $depts, $ver, $media ); } } } // Enqueue .min.js (if exists and filetime .min.js > filetime .js) instead .js if (!function_exists('trx_utils_enqueue_script')) { function trx_utils_enqueue_script($handle, $src=false, $depts=array(), $ver=null, $in_footer=true) { global $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE; $load = true; if (!is_array($src) && $src !== false && $src !== '') { $theme_dir = get_template_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $theme_url = get_template_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_dir = get_stylesheet_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $dir = $url = ''; if (strpos($src, $child_url)===0) { $dir = $child_dir; $url = $child_url; } else if (strpos($src, $theme_url)===0) { $dir = $theme_dir; $url = $theme_url; } else if (strpos($src, $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url'])===0) { $dir = $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']; $url = $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url']; } if ($dir != '') { if (substr($src, -3)=='.js') { if (substr($src, -7)!='.min.js') { $src_min = substr($src, 0, strlen($src)-3).'.min.js'; $file_src = $dir . substr($src, strlen($url)); $file_min = $dir . substr($src_min, strlen($url)); if (file_exists($file_min) && filemtime($file_src) <= filemtime($file_min)) $src = $src_min; } } $file_src = $dir . substr($src, strlen($url)); $load = file_exists($file_src) && filesize($file_src) > 0; } } if ($load) { if (is_array($src)) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $depts, $ver, $in_footer ); } else if (!empty($src) || $src===false) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $depts, $ver, $in_footer ); } } } } /* Check if file/folder present in the child theme and return path (url) to it. Else - path (url) to file in the main theme dir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_file_dir')) { function trx_utils_get_file_dir($file, $return_url=false) { global $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE; if ($file[0]=='/') $file = substr($file, 1); $theme_dir = get_template_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $theme_url = get_template_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_dir = get_stylesheet_directory().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $child_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.$TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_base'][0].'/'; $dir = ''; if (file_exists(($child_dir).($file))) $dir = ($return_url ? $child_url : $child_dir).($file); else if (file_exists(($theme_dir).($file))) $dir = ($return_url ? $theme_url : $theme_dir).($file); else if (file_exists(($TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']).($file))) $dir = ($return_url ? $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url'] : $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']).($file); return $dir; } } if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_file_url')) { function trx_utils_get_file_url($file) { return trx_utils_get_file_dir($file, true); } } // Return file extension from full name/path if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_file_ext')) { function trx_utils_get_file_ext($file) { $parts = pathinfo($file); return $parts['extension']; } } // Get domain part from URL if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_domain_from_url')) { function trx_utils_get_domain_from_url($url) { if (($pos=strpos($url, '://'))!==false) $url = substr($url, $pos+3); if (($pos=strpos($url, '/'))!==false) $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); return $url; } } // Detect folder location (in the child theme or in the main theme) if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_folder_dir')) { function trx_utils_get_folder_dir($folder, $return_url=false) { global $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE; if ($folder[0]=='/') $folder = substr($folder, 1); $theme_dir = get_template_directory(); $theme_url = get_template_directory_uri(); $child_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); $child_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); $dir = ''; if (is_dir(($child_dir).'/'.($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? $child_url : $child_dir).'/'.($folder); else if (is_dir(($theme_dir).'/'.($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? $theme_url : $theme_dir).'/'.($folder); else if (is_dir(($TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']).($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_url'] : $TRX_UTILS_STORAGE['plugin_dir']).($folder); return $dir; } } if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_folder_url')) { function trx_utils_get_folder_url($folder) { return trx_utils_get_folder_dir($folder, true); } } // Return list files in the folder if (!function_exists('trx_utils_get_folder_list')) { function trx_utils_get_folder_list($folder, $ext='', $only_names=false) { $dir = trx_utils_get_folder_dir($folder); $url = trx_utils_get_folder_url($folder); $list = array(); if ( is_dir($dir) ) { $files = @glob(sprintf("%s/%s", $dir, $ext ? "*.{$ext}" : '*.*')); if ( is_array($files) ) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ( substr($file, 0, 1) == '.' || is_dir( $file ) ) continue; $file = basename($file); $key = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.')); if (substr($key, -4)=='.min') $key = substr($file, 0, strrpos($key, '.')); $list[$key] = $only_names ? ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)) : ($url) . '/' . ($file); } } } return $list; } } /* CSS & JS minify -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Minify CSS string if (!function_exists('trx_utils_minify_css')) { function trx_utils_minify_css($css) { $css = preg_replace("/\r*\n*/", "", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s{2,}/", " ", $css); //$css = str_ireplace('@CHARSET "UTF-8";', "", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*>\s*/", ">", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*:\s*/", ":", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*{\s*/", "{", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*;*\s*}\s*/", "}", $css); $css = str_replace(', ', ',', $css); $css = preg_replace("/(\/\*[\w\'\s\r\n\*\+\,\"\-\.]*\*\/)/", "", $css); return $css; } } // Minify JS string if (!function_exists('trx_utils_minify_js')) { function trx_utils_minify_js($js) { // Remove multi-row comments //$js = preg_replace('/(\/\*)[^(\*\/)]*(\*\/)/', '', $js); $pos = 0; while (($pos = strpos($js, '/*', $pos))!==false) { if (($pos2 = strpos($js, '*/', $pos))!==false) $js = substr($js, 0, $pos) . substr($js, $pos2+2); else break; } // Remove single-line comments //$js = preg_replace('/\s*\/\/[^\n]*\n/', '', $js); $pos = -1; while (($pos = strpos($js, '//', $pos+1))!==false) { if ($js[$pos-1]!='\\' && $js[$pos-1]!=':') { $pos2 = strpos($js, "\n", $pos); if ($pos2==false) $pos2 = strlen($js); $js = substr($js, 0, $pos) . substr($js, $pos2); } } // Remove spaces before/after {}() $js = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $js); $js = preg_replace('/([;}{\)\(])\s+/', '$1 ', $js); $js = preg_replace('/\s+([;}{\)\(])/', ' $1', $js); $js = preg_replace('/(else)\s+/', '$1 ', $js); // $js = preg_replace('/([}])\s+(else)/', '$1else', $js); // $js = preg_replace('/([}])\s+(var)/', '$1;var', $js); // $js = preg_replace('/([{};])\s+(\$)/', '$1\$', $js); return $js; } } /* Init WP Filesystem before the plugins and theme init ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!function_exists('trx_utils_init_filesystem')) { add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'trx_utils_init_filesystem', 0); function trx_utils_init_filesystem() { if( !function_exists('WP_Filesystem') ) { require_once( ABSPATH .'/wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); } if (is_admin()) { $url = admin_url(); $creds = false; // First attempt to get credentials. if ( function_exists('request_filesystem_credentials') && false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( $url, '', false, false, array() ) ) ) { // If we comes here - we don't have credentials // so the request for them is displaying no need for further processing return false; } // Now we got some credentials - try to use them. if ( !WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) { // Incorrect connection data - ask for credentials again, now with error message. if ( function_exists('request_filesystem_credentials') ) request_filesystem_credentials( $url, '', true, false ); return false; } return true; // Filesystem object successfully initiated. } else { WP_Filesystem(); } return true; } } // Put data into specified file if (!function_exists('trx_utils_fpc')) { function trx_utils_fpc($file, $data, $flag=0) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!empty($file)) { if (isset($wp_filesystem) && is_object($wp_filesystem)) { $file = str_replace(ABSPATH, $wp_filesystem->abspath(), $file); // Attention! WP_Filesystem can't append the content to the file! // That's why we have to read the contents of the file into a string, // add new content to this string and re-write it to the file if parameter $flag == FILE_APPEND! return $wp_filesystem->put_contents($file, ($flag==FILE_APPEND ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($file) : '') . $data, false); } else { if (WP_DEBUG) throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Put contents to the file "%s" failed', 'trx_utils'), $file)); } } return false; } } // Get text from specified file if (!function_exists('trx_utils_fgc')) { function trx_utils_fgc($file, $unpack=false) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!empty($file)) { if (isset($wp_filesystem) && is_object($wp_filesystem)) { $file = str_replace(ABSPATH, $wp_filesystem->abspath(), $file); if ($unpack && trx_utils_get_file_ext($file) == 'zip') { $tmp_cont = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($file); $tmp_name = 'tmp-'.rand().'.zip'; $tmp = wp_upload_bits($tmp_name, null, $tmp_cont); if ($tmp['error']) $tmp_cont = ''; else { unzip_file($tmp['file'], dirname($tmp['file'])); $file_name = dirname($tmp['file']) . '/' . basename($file, '.zip') . '.txt'; $tmp_cont = trx_utils_fgc($file_name); unlink($tmp['file']); unlink($file_name); } return $tmp_cont; } else { return $wp_filesystem->get_contents($file); } } else { if (WP_DEBUG) throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Get contents from the file "%s" failed', 'trx_utils'), $file)); } } return ''; } } // Get array with rows from specified file if (!function_exists('trx_utils_fga')) { function trx_utils_fga($file) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!empty($file)) { if (isset($wp_filesystem) && is_object($wp_filesystem)) { $file = str_replace(ABSPATH, $wp_filesystem->abspath(), $file); return $wp_filesystem->get_contents_array($file); } else { if (WP_DEBUG) throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Get rows from the file "%s" failed', 'trx_utils'), $file)); } } return array(); } } // Remove unsafe characters from file/folder path if (!function_exists('trx_utils_esc')) { function trx_utils_esc($file) { return str_replace(array('\\', '~', '$', ':', ';', '+', '>', '<', '|', '"', "'", '`', "\xFF", "\x0A", "\x0D", '*', '?', '^'), '/', trim($file)); } } // Merge arrays and lists (preserve number indexes) if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_utils_array_merge' ) ) { function trx_utils_array_merge( $a1, $a2 ) { for ( $i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++ ) { $arg = func_get_arg( $i ); if ( is_array( $arg ) && count( $arg ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $arg as $k => $v ) { $a1[ $k ] = $v; } } } return $a1; } } // Inserts any number of scalars or arrays at the point // in the haystack immediately after the search key ($needle) was found, // or at the end if the needle is not found or not supplied. // Modifies $haystack in place. if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_utils_array_insert_after' ) ) { function trx_utils_array_insert_after( &$haystack, $needle, $stuff ) { if ( ! is_array( $haystack ) ) { return -1; } $new_array = array(); for ( $i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); ++$i ) { $arg = func_get_arg( $i ); if ( is_array( $arg ) ) { if ( 2 == $i ) { $new_array = $arg; } else { $new_array = trx_utils_array_merge( $new_array, $arg ); } } else { $new_array[] = $arg; } } $i = 0; if ( is_array( $haystack ) && count( $haystack ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $haystack as $key => $value ) { $i++; if ( $key == $needle ) { break; } } } $haystack = trx_utils_array_merge( array_slice( $haystack, 0, $i, true ), $new_array, array_slice( $haystack, $i, null, true ) ); return $i; } } // Inserts any number of scalars or arrays at the point // in the haystack immediately before the search key ($needle) was found, // or at the end if the needle is not found or not supplied. // Modifies $haystack in place. if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_utils_array_before' ) ) { function trx_utils_array_insert_before( &$haystack, $needle, $stuff ) { if ( ! is_array( $haystack ) ) { return -1; } $new_array = array(); for ( $i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); ++$i ) { $arg = func_get_arg( $i ); if ( is_array( $arg ) ) { if ( 2 == $i ) { $new_array = $arg; } else { $new_array = trx_utils_array_merge( $new_array, $arg ); } } else { $new_array[] = $arg; } } $i = 0; if ( is_array( $haystack ) && count( $haystack ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $haystack as $key => $value ) { if ( $key === $needle ) { break; } $i++; } } $haystack = trx_utils_array_merge( array_slice( $haystack, 0, $i, true ), $new_array, array_slice( $haystack, $i, null, true ) ); return $i; } } ?>