abspath(), $file); // Attention! WP_Filesystem can't append the content to the file! if ($flag==FILE_APPEND && $wp_filesystem->exists($file) && strpos($file, '//')===false) { // If it is a existing local file (not contain '//' in the path) and we need to append data - // use native PHP function to prevent large consumption of memory return file_put_contents($file, $data, $flag); } else { // In other case (not a local file or not need to append data or file not exists) // That's why we have to read the contents of the file into a string, // add new content to this string and re-write it to the file if parameter $flag == FILE_APPEND! return $wp_filesystem->put_contents($file, ($flag==FILE_APPEND && $wp_filesystem->exists($file) ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($file) : '') . $data, false); } } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Put contents to the file "%s" failed', 'trx_updater'), $file)); } } return false; } } // Get text from specified file if (!function_exists('trx_updater_fgc')) { function trx_updater_fgc($file, $unpack=false) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!empty($file)) { if (isset($wp_filesystem) && is_object($wp_filesystem)) { $file = str_replace(ABSPATH, $wp_filesystem->abspath(), $file); $tmp_cont = strpos($file, '//')!==false //&& !$allow_url_fopen ? trx_updater_remote_get($file) : $wp_filesystem->get_contents($file); if ($unpack && trx_updater_get_file_ext($file) == 'zip') { trx_updater_allow_upload_archives(); $tmp_name = 'tmp-'.rand().'.zip'; $tmp = wp_upload_bits($tmp_name, null, $tmp_cont); trx_updater_disallow_upload_archives(); if ($tmp['error']) $tmp_cont = ''; else { unzip_file($tmp['file'], dirname($tmp['file'])); $file_name = dirname($tmp['file']) . '/' . basename($file, '.zip') . '.txt'; $tmp_cont = trx_updater_fgc($file_name); unlink($tmp['file']); unlink($file_name); } } return $tmp_cont; } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Get contents from the file "%s" failed', 'trx_updater'), $file)); } } return ''; } } // Get array with rows from specified file if (!function_exists('trx_updater_fga')) { function trx_updater_fga($file) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!empty($file)) { if (isset($wp_filesystem) && is_object($wp_filesystem)) { $file = str_replace(ABSPATH, $wp_filesystem->abspath(), $file); return $wp_filesystem->get_contents_array($file); } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(esc_html__('WP Filesystem is not initialized! Get rows from the file "%s" failed', 'trx_updater'), $file)); } } return array(); } } // Remove unsafe characters from file/folder path if (!function_exists('trx_updater_esc')) { function trx_updater_esc($name) { return str_replace(array('\\', '~', '$', ':', ';', '+', '>', '<', '|', '"', "'", '`', "\xFF", "\x0A", "\x0D", '*', '?', '^'), '/', trim($name)); } } // Remove protocol from the url if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_remove_protocol' ) ) { function trx_updater_remove_protocol( $url, $complete = true ) { $pos = strpos( $url, '://' ); if ( false !== $pos ) { $url = substr( $url, $pos + 1 + ( $complete ? 2 : 0 ) ); } return $url; } } // Get file mode (file permissions supported by chmod) if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_getmod' ) ) { function trx_updater_getmod( $filename ) { $val = 0; $perms = fileperms( $filename ); // Owner; User $val += (($perms & 0x0100) ? 0x0100 : 0x0000); //Read $val += (($perms & 0x0080) ? 0x0080 : 0x0000); //Write $val += (($perms & 0x0040) ? 0x0040 : 0x0000); //Execute // Group $val += (($perms & 0x0020) ? 0x0020 : 0x0000); //Read $val += (($perms & 0x0010) ? 0x0010 : 0x0000); //Write $val += (($perms & 0x0008) ? 0x0008 : 0x0000); //Execute // Global; World $val += (($perms & 0x0004) ? 0x0004 : 0x0000); //Read $val += (($perms & 0x0002) ? 0x0002 : 0x0000); //Write $val += (($perms & 0x0001) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000); //Execute // Misc $val += (($perms & 0x40000) ? 0x40000 : 0x0000); //temporary file (01000000) $val += (($perms & 0x80000) ? 0x80000 : 0x0000); //compressed file (02000000) $val += (($perms & 0x100000) ? 0x100000 : 0x0000); //sparse file (04000000) $val += (($perms & 0x0800) ? 0x0800 : 0x0000); //Hidden file (setuid bit) (04000) $val += (($perms & 0x0400) ? 0x0400 : 0x0000); //System file (setgid bit) (02000) $val += (($perms & 0x0200) ? 0x0200 : 0x0000); //Archive bit (sticky bit) (01000) return $val; } } // Remote files //------------------------------------------------------- // Get text from specified file via HTTP (cURL) if (!function_exists('trx_updater_remote_get')) { function trx_updater_remote_get($file, $timeout=-1) { // Set timeout as half of the PHP execution time if ($timeout < 1) $timeout = round( 0.5 * max(30, ini_get('max_execution_time'))); if (substr($file, 0, 2) == '//') $file = 'http' . ( is_ssl() ? 's' : '') . ':' . $file; $response = wp_remote_get($file, array( 'method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => $timeout ) ); //return wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) == 200 ? wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) : ''; return !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code']==200 ? $response['body'] : ''; } } // Get text from specified file via HTTP (cURL) if (!function_exists('trx_updater_remote_post')) { function trx_updater_remote_post($file, $args, $timeout=-1) { // Set timeout as half of the PHP execution time if ($timeout < 1) $timeout = round( 0.5 * max(30, ini_get('max_execution_time'))); if (substr($file, 0, 2) == '//') $file = 'http' . ( is_ssl() ? 's' : '') . ':' . $file; $response = wp_remote_post($file, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => $timeout, 'body' => $args ) ); //return wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) == 200 ? wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) : ''; return !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code']==200 ? $response['body'] : ''; } } // Get JSON from specified url via HTTP (cURL) and return object or null if (!function_exists('trx_updater_retrieve_json')) { add_filter( 'trx_updater_filter_retrieve_json', 'trx_updater_retrieve_json' ); function trx_updater_retrieve_json($url) { $data = ''; $resp = trim( trx_updater_remote_get($url) ); if ( in_array( substr($resp, 0, 1), array( '{', '[' ) ) ) { $data = json_decode($resp, true); } return $data; } } // Folders tree //-------------------------------------- // Delete specified folder and it's subfolders if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_del_folder' ) ) { function trx_updater_del_folder( $dir, $delete_root=true ) { $files = array(); $dirs = array(); $d = opendir( $dir ); while ( ( $fname = readdir( $d ) ) !== false ) { if ( $fname == '.' || $fname == '..' ) { continue; } if ( is_dir( $dir . '/' . $fname ) ) { $dirs[] = $fname; } else { $files[] = $fname; } } closedir( $d ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $files ); $i++ ) { @unlink( $dir . '/' . $files[ $i ] ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $dirs ); $i++ ) { trx_updater_del_folder( $dir . '/' . $dirs[ $i ] ); } if ( $delete_root ) { @rmdir( $dir ); } } } // Get list of the files in the specified folder if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_scan_folder' ) ) { function trx_updater_scan_folder( $dir, $relative_dir = '', $allow_ext = array() ) { $list = array(); $full_dir = $relative_dir . ( ! empty( $relative_dir ) && ! empty( $dir ) ? '/' : '') . $dir; if ( is_dir( $full_dir ) ) { $hdir = @opendir( $full_dir ); if ( $hdir ) { while ( ( $file = readdir( $hdir ) ) !== false ) { $pi = pathinfo( $full_dir . '/' . $file ); if ( substr( $file, 0, 1) == '.' ) { continue; } if ( is_dir( $full_dir . '/' . $file ) ) { $list = array_merge( $list, trx_updater_scan_folder( ( ! empty( $dir ) ? $dir . '/' : '') . $file, $relative_dir, $allow_ext ) ); } else if ( empty( $allow_ext ) || in_array( $pi['extension'], $allow_ext ) ) { $list[] = ( ! empty( $dir ) ? $dir . '/' : '' ) . $file; } } @closedir( $hdir ); } } return $list; } } // Archives //--------------------------------- // Unpack archive to the specified folder if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_unpack_archive' ) ) { function trx_updater_unpack_archive( $arh_name, $dest_folder ) { if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive' ) ) { $zip = new ZipArchive; if ( $zip->open( $arh_name ) === true ) { $zip->extractTo( $dest_folder ); // Restore date of each file $numFiles = $zip->numFiles; for ( $i=0; $i < $numFiles; $i++ ) { $info = $zip->statIndex( $i ); $file = $dest_folder . '/' . $info['name']; if ( file_exists( $file ) || is_dir( $file ) ) { touch( $file, $info['mtime'] ); } } $zip->close(); } } } } // Pack files from specified folder into archive if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_pack_archive' ) ) { function trx_updater_pack_archive( $arh_name, $dest_folder, $files=false ) { $rez = false; if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive' ) ) { $zip = new ZipArchive; if ( $zip->open( $arh_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) { if ( is_array( $files) ) { // Add to archive files from the list foreach( $files as $file ) { $zip->addFile( $file, str_replace( $dest_folder . '/', '', $file ) ); } } else if ( is_dir( $dest_folder ) ) { // Add to archive specified folder $files = trx_updater_scan_folder( '', $dest_folder ); foreach( $files as $file ) { $zip->addFile( $dest_folder . '/' . $file, $file ); } } else { // Add to archive single file $pi = pathinfo( $dest_folder ); $zip->addFile( $dest_folder, $pi['basename'] ); } $zip->close(); $rez = true; } } return $rez; } } // Allow upload archive if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_allow_upload_archives' ) ) { function trx_updater_allow_upload_archives() { add_filter( 'upload_mimes', 'trx_updater_add_archives_to_mimes', 10, 2 ); } } // Disallow upload archive if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_disallow_upload_archives' ) ) { function trx_updater_disallow_upload_archives() { remove_action( 'upload_mimes', 'trx_updater_add_archives_to_mimes', 10 ); } } // Allow upload archive if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_updater_add_archives_to_mimes' ) ) { //Handler of the add_filter( 'upload_mimes', 'trx_updater_add_archives_to_mimes', 10, 2 ); function trx_updater_add_archives_to_mimes( $types, $user_id = 0 ) { $types['zip'] = 'application/zip'; return $types; } }