$v ) { $ed = substr( $v, -1 ); if ( '0' <= $ed && $ed <= '9' ) { $parts[ $k ] .= 'px'; } } $val = join( ' ', $parts ); } return $val; } } // Add dynamic CSS and return class for it if (!function_exists('trx_socials_add_inline_css_class')) { function trx_socials_add_inline_css_class($css, $suffix='') { $class_name = sprintf('trx_socials_inline_%d', mt_rand()); global $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE; $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'] = (!empty($TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css']) ? $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'] : '') . sprintf('.%s%s{%s}', $class_name, !empty($suffix) ? (substr($suffix, 0, 1) != ':' ? ' ' : '') . esc_attr($suffix) : '', $css); return $class_name; } } // Add dynamic CSS to insert it to the footer if ( !function_exists('trx_socials_add_inline_css') ) { function trx_socials_add_inline_css($css) { global $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE; $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'] = (!empty($TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css']) ? $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'] : '') . $css; } } // Return dynamic CSS to insert it to the footer if ( !function_exists('trx_socials_get_inline_css') ) { function trx_socials_get_inline_css($clear=false) { global $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE; $rez = ''; if (!empty($TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'])) { $rez = $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css']; if ($clear) $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_css'] = ''; } return $rez; } } // Add dynamic HTML to insert it to the footer if ( !function_exists('trx_socials_add_inline_html') ) { function trx_socials_add_inline_html($html) { global $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE; $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_html'] = (!empty($TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_html']) ? $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_html'] : '') . $html; } } // Return dynamic HTML to insert it to the footer if ( !function_exists('trx_socials_get_inline_html') ) { function trx_socials_get_inline_html() { global $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE; return !empty($TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_html']) ? $TRX_SOCIALS_STORAGE['inline_html'] : ''; } } // Return current site protocol if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_protocol')) { function trx_socials_get_protocol() { return is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; } } // Return url without protocol if (!function_exists('trx_socials_remove_protocol')) { function trx_socials_remove_protocol($url, $complete=false) { $url = preg_replace('/http[s]?:'.($complete ? '\\/\\/' : '').'/', '', $url); return $url; } } // Check if string is URL if (!function_exists('trx_socials_is_url')) { function trx_socials_is_url($url) { return strpos($url, '://')!==false; } } // Add parameters to URL if (!function_exists('trx_socials_add_to_url')) { function trx_socials_add_to_url($url, $prm) { if (is_array($prm) && count($prm) > 0) { $separator = strpos($url, '?')===false ? '?' : '&'; foreach ($prm as $k=>$v) { $url .= $separator . urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); $separator = '&'; } } return $url; } } /* HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Generate value for the attribute 'id' if ( ! function_exists('trx_socials_generate_id') ) { function trx_socials_generate_id($prefix) { return $prefix . str_replace('.', '', mt_rand()); } } // Return first tag from text if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_tag')) { function trx_socials_get_tag($text, $tag_start, $tag_end='') { $val = ''; if (($pos_start = strpos($text, $tag_start))!==false) { $pos_end = $tag_end ? strpos($text, $tag_end, $pos_start) : false; if ($pos_end===false) { $tag_end = substr($tag_start, 0, 1) == '<' ? '>' : ']'; $pos_end = strpos($text, $tag_end, $pos_start); } $val = substr($text, $pos_start, $pos_end+strlen($tag_end)-$pos_start); } return $val; } } // Return attrib from tag if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_tag_attrib')) { function trx_socials_get_tag_attrib($text, $tag, $attr) { $val = ''; if (($pos_start = strpos($text, substr($tag, 0, strlen($tag)-1)))!==false) { $pos_end = strpos($text, substr($tag, -1, 1), $pos_start); $pos_attr = strpos($text, ' '.($attr).'=', $pos_start); if ($pos_attr!==false && $pos_attr<$pos_end) { $pos_attr += strlen($attr)+3; $pos_quote = strpos($text, substr($text, $pos_attr-1, 1), $pos_attr); $val = substr($text, $pos_attr, $pos_quote-$pos_attr); } } return $val; } } // Set (change) attrib from tag if (!function_exists('trx_socials_set_tag_attrib')) { function trx_socials_set_tag_attrib($text, $tag, $attr, $val) { if (($pos_start = strpos($text, substr($tag, 0, strlen($tag)-1)))!==false) { $pos_end = strpos($text, substr($tag, -1, 1), $pos_start); $pos_attr = strpos($text, $attr.'=', $pos_start); if ($pos_attr!==false && $pos_attr<$pos_end) { $pos_attr += strlen($attr)+2; $pos_quote = strpos($text, substr($text, $pos_attr-1, 1), $pos_attr); $text = substr($text, 0, $pos_attr) . trim($val) . substr($text, $pos_quote); } else { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos_end) . ' ' . esc_attr($attr) . '="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . substr($text, $pos_end); } } return $text; } } /* GET, POST and SESSION utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Strip slashes if Magic Quotes is on if (!function_exists('trx_socials_stripslashes')) { function trx_socials_stripslashes($val) { static $magic = 0; if ($magic === 0) { $magic = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '>=') || (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) || (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') && get_magic_quotes_runtime()==1) || strtolower(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase'))=='on'; } if (is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $k=>$v) $val[$k] = trx_socials_stripslashes($v); } else $val = $magic ? stripslashes(trim($val)) : trim($val); return $val; } } // Return GET or POST value if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_value_gp')) { function trx_socials_get_value_gp($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_socials_stripslashes($rez); } } // Return GET or POST or COOKIE value if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_value_gpc')) { function trx_socials_get_value_gpc($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) $rez = $_COOKIE[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_socials_stripslashes($rez); } } // Get GET, POST, SESSION value and save it (if need) if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_value_gps')) { function trx_socials_get_value_gps($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else if (isset($_SESSION[$name])) $rez = $_SESSION[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_socials_stripslashes($rez); } } // Save value to the session if (!function_exists('trx_socials_set_session_value')) { function trx_socials_set_session_value($name, $value) { if (!session_id()) try { session_start(); } catch (Exception $e) {} $_SESSION[$name] = $value; } } // Delete value from session if (!function_exists('trx_socials_del_session_value')) { function trx_socials_del_session_value($name) { if (!session_id()) try { session_start(); } catch (Exception $e) {} unset($_SESSION[$name]); } } /* AJAX utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Verify nonce and exit if it's not valid if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_socials_verify_nonce' ) ) { function trx_socials_verify_nonce( $nonce = 'nonce', $mask = '' ) { if ( empty( $mask ) ) { $mask = admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( trx_socials_get_value_gp( $nonce ), $mask ) ) { trx_socials_forbidden(); } } } // Exit with default code (200) if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_socials_exit' ) ) { function trx_socials_exit( $message = '', $title = '', $code = 200 ) { wp_die( $message, $title, array( 'response' => $code, 'exit' => empty( $message ) && empty( $title ) ) ); } } // Exit with code 403 if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_socials_forbidden' ) ) { function trx_socials_forbidden( $message = '', $title = '' ) { trx_socials_exit( $message, $title, 403 ); } } // Send ajax response and exit if ( ! function_exists( 'trx_socials_ajax_response' ) ) { function trx_socials_ajax_response( $response ) { echo wp_json_encode( $response ); wp_die( '', '', array( 'exit' => true ) ); } }