'GET', 'timeout' => -1, 'user-agent' => TRX_SOCIALS_REMOTE_USER_AGENT ), is_array( $args ) ? $args : array( 'timeout' => $args ) ); // Set timeout as half of the PHP execution time if ( $args['timeout'] < 1 ) $args['timeout'] = round( 0.5 * max( 30, ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) ) ); // Add current protocol (if not specified) if ( substr( $file, 0, 2 ) == '//' ) $file = trx_socials_get_protocol() . ':' . $file; // Do request and get a response $response = wp_remote_get( $file, $args ); // Check the response code and return response body if OK return !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code']==200 ? $response['body'] : ''; } } // Get text from specified file via HTTP (cURL) if (!function_exists('trx_socials_remote_post')) { function trx_socials_remote_post( $file, $args, $vars = array() ) { $args = array_merge( array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => -1, 'user-agent' => TRX_SOCIALS_REMOTE_USER_AGENT ), is_array( $args ) ? $args : array( 'timeout' => $args ) ); // Add variables to the request body if ( is_array( $vars ) && count( $vars ) > 0 ) { $args['body'] = $vars; } // Set timeout as half of the PHP execution time if ( $args['timeout'] < 1 ) $args['timeout'] = round( 0.5 * max( 30, ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) ) ); // Add current protocol (if not specified) if ( substr( $file, 0, 2 ) == '//' ) $file = trx_socials_get_protocol() . ':' . $file; // Do request and get a response $response = wp_remote_post( $file, $args ); // Check the response code and return response body if OK return !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code']==200 ? $response['body'] : ''; } } // Detect folder location (in the child theme or in the main theme) if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_folder_dir')) { function trx_socials_get_folder_dir($folder, $return_url=false) { if ($folder[0]=='/') $folder = substr($folder, 1); $theme_dir = get_template_directory().'/'.TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_BASE.'/'; $theme_url = get_template_directory_uri().'/'.TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_BASE.'/'; $child_dir = get_stylesheet_directory().'/'.TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_BASE.'/'; $child_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_BASE.'/'; $dir = ''; if (($filtered_dir = apply_filters('trx_socials_filter_get_theme_folder_dir', '', TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_BASE.'/'.($folder), $return_url)) != '') $dir = $filtered_dir; else if ($theme_dir != $child_dir && is_dir(($child_dir).($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? $child_url : $child_dir).($folder); else if (is_dir(($theme_dir).($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? $theme_url : $theme_dir).($folder); else if (is_dir((TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_DIR).($folder))) $dir = ($return_url ? TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_URL : TRX_SOCIALS_PLUGIN_DIR).($folder); return apply_filters( 'trx_socials_filter_get_folder_dir', $dir, $folder, $return_url ); } } if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_folder_url')) { function trx_socials_get_folder_url($folder) { return trx_socials_get_folder_dir($folder, true); } } // Return file extension from full name/path if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_file_ext')) { function trx_socials_get_file_ext($file) { $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return empty($ext) ? '' : $ext; } } // Return file name from full name/path if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_file_name')) { function trx_socials_get_file_name($file, $without_ext=true) { $parts = pathinfo($file); return !empty($parts['filename']) && $without_ext ? $parts['filename'] : $parts['basename']; } } // Include part of template with specified parameters if (!function_exists('trx_socials_get_template_part')) { function trx_socials_get_template_part($file, $args_name='', $args=array()) { static $fdirs = array(); if (!is_array($file)) $file = array($file); foreach ($file as $f) { if (!empty($fdirs[$f]) || ($fdirs[$f] = trx_socials_get_file_dir($f)) != '') { if (!empty($args_name) && !empty($args)) set_query_var($args_name, $args); include $fdirs[$f]; break; } } } } // Unserialize string if ( ! function_exists('trx_socials_unserialize') ) { function trx_socials_unserialize($str) { if ( !empty($str) && is_serialized($str) ) { // If serialized data content unrecoverable object (base class for this object is not exists) - skip this string if ( true || ! preg_match( '/O:[0-9]+:"([^"]*)":[0-9]+:{/', $str, $matches ) || empty( $matches[1] ) || class_exists( $matches[1] ) ) { try { $data = unserialize($str); } catch (Exception $e) { dcl($e->getMessage()); $data = false; } if ($data===false) { try { $str = preg_replace_callback ( '!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!', function( $match ) { return ( $match[1] == strlen( $match[2] ) ) ? $match[0] : 's:' . strlen( $match[2] ) . ':"' . $match[2] . '";'; }, $str ); $data = unserialize($str); } catch (Exception $e) { dcl($e->getMessage()); $data = false; } } return $data; } else { return $str; } } else { return $str; } } }