setup(); } return $instance; } /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() {} /** * Setup actions and filters for all things settings */ public function setup() { $this->data['settings'] = get_option( 'aws_settings' ); if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wc-ajax'] ) ) { add_action( 'wc_ajax_aws_action', array( $this, 'action_callback' ) ); } else { add_action( 'wp_ajax_aws_action', array( $this, 'action_callback' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_aws_action', array( $this, 'action_callback' ) ); } } /* * AJAX call action callback */ public function action_callback() { if ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { define( 'DOING_AJAX', true ); } if ( ! headers_sent() && isset( $_REQUEST['typedata'] ) ) { header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); } ob_start(); $search_results = $this->search(); ob_end_clean(); echo json_encode( $search_results ); die; } /* * Search */ public function search( $keyword = '', $output = 'all' ) { global $wpdb; $this->lang = isset( $_REQUEST['lang'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['lang'] ) : ''; if ( $this->lang ) { do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $this->lang ); } if ( $this->lang ) { $current_lang = $this->lang; } else { $current_lang = AWS_Helpers::get_lang(); } /** * Filter current language code * @since 1.59 * @param string $current_lang Lang code */ $current_lang = apply_filters( 'aws_search_current_lang', $current_lang ); $cache = AWS()->get_settings( 'cache' ); $s = $keyword ? esc_attr( $keyword ) : ( isset( $_POST['keyword'] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['keyword'] ) : '' ); $s = htmlspecialchars_decode( $s ); $this->data['s_nonormalize'] = $s; $s = AWS_Helpers::normalize_string( $s ); /** * Fires each time when performing the search * @since 1.59 * @param string $s Search query */ do_action( 'aws_search_start', $s ); $cache_option_name = ''; if ( $cache === 'true' && ! $keyword && $output === 'all' ) { $cache_option_name = AWS()->cache->get_cache_name( $s ); $res = AWS()->cache->get_from_cache_table( $cache_option_name ); if ( $res ) { $cached_value = json_decode( $res ); if ( $cached_value && ! empty( $cached_value ) ) { return $cached_value; } } } $search_archives = AWS()->get_settings( 'search_archives' ); $show_cats = ( isset( $search_archives['archive_category'] ) && $search_archives['archive_category'] ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $show_tags = ( isset( $search_archives['archive_tag'] ) && $search_archives['archive_tag'] ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $results_num = $keyword ? apply_filters( 'aws_page_results', 100 ) : AWS()->get_settings( 'results_num' ); $pages_results_num = AWS()->get_settings( 'pages_results_num' ); $search_in = AWS()->get_settings( 'search_in' ); $outofstock = AWS()->get_settings( 'outofstock' ); $search_rule = AWS()->get_settings( 'search_rule' ); $search_words_num = AWS()->get_settings( 'search_words_num' ); $fuzzy = AWS()->get_settings( 'fuzzy' ); $search_in_arr = array(); if ( is_array( $search_in ) && ! empty( $search_in ) ) { foreach( $search_in as $search_in_source => $search_in_active ) { if ( $search_in_active ) { $search_in_arr[] = $search_in_source; } } } elseif ( is_string( $search_in ) && $search_in ) { $search_in_arr = explode( ',', $search_in ); } $products_array = array(); $tax_to_display = array(); $custom_tax_array = array(); $this->data['s'] = $s; $this->data['results_num'] = $results_num; $this->data['pages_results_num'] = $pages_results_num; $this->data['search_terms'] = array(); $this->data['search_in'] = $search_in_arr; $this->data['outofstock'] = $outofstock; $this->data['search_rule'] = $search_rule; $this->data['search_words_num'] = $search_words_num; $this->data['fuzzy'] = $fuzzy; $this->data['is_search_page'] = !! $keyword; $this->data['current_lang'] = $current_lang; $search_array = array_unique( explode( ' ', $s ) ); $search_array = AWS_Helpers::filter_stopwords( $search_array ); if ( is_array( $search_array ) && ! empty( $search_array ) ) { foreach ( $search_array as $search_term ) { $search_term = trim( $search_term ); if ( $search_term ) { $this->data['search_terms'][] = $search_term; } } } if ( $this->data['search_words_num'] && count( $this->data['search_terms'] ) > intval( $this->data['search_words_num'] ) ) { $this->data['search_terms'] = array_slice( $this->data['search_terms'], 0, intval( $this->data['search_words_num'] ) ); } // if ( empty( $this->data['search_terms'] ) ) { // $this->data['search_terms'][] = ''; // } /** * Filter search data parameters * @since 2.50 * @param array $this->data Array of data parameters */ $this->data = apply_filters( 'aws_search_data_parameters', $this->data ); $posts_ids = array(); if ( ! empty( $this->data['search_terms'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $this->data['search_in'] ) && $this->data['results_num'] ) { $posts_ids = $this->query_index_table(); // try to fix misspellings if ( empty( $posts_ids ) && ( $fuzzy === 'true' || $fuzzy === 'true_text' ) ) { $similar_terms_obj = new AWS_Similar_Terms( $this->data ); $similar_terms_res = $similar_terms_obj->get_similar_terms(); if ( ! empty( $similar_terms_res ) && ! empty( $similar_terms_res['all'] ) ) { $this->data['similar_terms'] = $similar_terms_res; $similar_terms = $similar_terms_res['all']; $this->data['search_terms'] = $similar_terms; $posts_ids = $this->query_index_table(); } } } if ( $output === 'all' ) { if ( $show_cats === 'true' ) { $tax_to_display[] = 'product_cat'; } if ( $show_tags === 'true' ) { $tax_to_display[] = 'product_tag'; } /** * Filters array of custom taxonomies that must be displayed in search results * * @since 1.68 * * @param array $taxonomies_archives Array of custom taxonomies * @param string $s Search query */ $taxonomies_archives = apply_filters( 'aws_search_results_tax_archives', $tax_to_display, $s ); if ( $taxonomies_archives && is_array( $taxonomies_archives ) && ! empty( $taxonomies_archives ) ) { $tax_search = new AWS_Tax_Search( $taxonomies_archives, $this->data ); $custom_tax_array = $tax_search->get_results(); } } } /** * Filters array of products ids * @since 1.53 * @param array $posts_ids Array of products ids * @param string $s Search query * @param array $this->data Array of search data ( since 3.09 ) */ $posts_ids = apply_filters( 'aws_search_results_products_ids', $posts_ids, $s, $this->data ); if ( empty( $posts_ids ) && empty( $custom_tax_array ) ) { /** * If no search results - apply filter to add custom ones * @since 3.09 * @param array $posts_ids Array of products ids * @param string $s Search query * @param array $this->data Array of search data */ $posts_ids = apply_filters( 'aws_search_no_results', $posts_ids, $s, $this->data ); } // Return array of its to short-circuit search return if ( $output === 'ids' ) { return $posts_ids; } $products_array = $this->get_products( $posts_ids ); $result_array = array( 'tax' => $custom_tax_array, 'products' => $products_array, ); /** * Filters array of all results data before they displayed in search results * * @since 1.43 * * @param array $brands_array Array of products data * @param string $s Search query */ $result_array = apply_filters( 'aws_search_results_all', $result_array, $s ); $result_array['data'] = AWS_Helpers::get_custom_results_data( array( 'products' => $products_array, 'tax' => $custom_tax_array ), $this->data ); if ( $cache === 'true' && ! $keyword && $output === 'all' ) { AWS()->cache->insert_into_cache_table( $cache_option_name, $result_array ); } return $result_array; } /* * Query in index table */ private function query_index_table() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . AWS_INDEX_TABLE_NAME; $search_in_arr = $this->data['search_in']; $results_num = $this->data['results_num']; $outofstock = $this->data['outofstock']; $search_rule = $this->data['search_rule']; $current_lang = $this->data['current_lang']; $reindex_version = AWS()->option_vars->get_reindex_version(); $index_table_version = AWS()->option_vars->get_index_table_version(); $query = array(); $query['select'] = ''; $query['search'] = ''; $query['relevance'] = ''; $query['stock'] = ''; $query['visibility'] = ''; $query['exclude_products'] = ''; $query['lang'] = ''; $search_array = array(); $relevance_array = array(); $new_relevance_array = array(); /** * Filters array of search terms before generating SQL query * * @since 1.49 * * @param array $this->data['search_terms'] Array of search terms */ $this->data['search_terms'] = apply_filters( 'aws_search_terms', $this->data['search_terms'] ); /** * Multiplier for relevance score depending on number of terms repeats * @since 3.06 * @param array $this->data Search parameters */ $count_multiplier = apply_filters( 'aws_relevance_count_multiplier', '1 + (count-1)/5', $this->data ); $relevance_scores = AWS_Helpers::get_relevance_scores( $this->data ); foreach ( $this->data['search_terms'] as $search_term ) { $search_term_len = strlen( $search_term ); $is_normal_term = $search_term_len > 1; $relevance_params = array( 'title' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['title'] + 20 * $search_term_len, 'like' => $relevance_scores['title'] / 5 + 2 * $search_term_len, ), 'content' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['content'] + 4 * $search_term_len, 'like' => $relevance_scores['content'] + 1 * $search_term_len, ), 'excerpt' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['content'] + 4 * $search_term_len, 'like' => $relevance_scores['content'] + 1 * $search_term_len, ), 'category' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['other'], 'like' => $relevance_scores['other'] / 5, ), 'tag' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['other'], 'like' => $relevance_scores['other'] / 5, ), 'sku' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['sku'], 'like' => $relevance_scores['sku'] / 5, ), 'id' => array( 'full' => $relevance_scores['id'], 'like' => $relevance_scores['id'] / 10, ), ); /** * Array of relevance parameters * @since 2.88 * @param array $relevance_params Array of relevance parameters * @param array $relevance_scores Array of relevance scores * @param string $search_term Search term * @param array $data Array of search query related data */ $relevance_params = apply_filters( 'aws_relevance_parameters', $relevance_params, $relevance_scores, $search_term, $this->data ); $search_term_norm = AWS_Helpers::singularize( $search_term ); if ( $search_term_norm && $search_term_len > 3 && strlen( $search_term_norm ) > 2 ) { $search_term = $search_term_norm; } if ( $search_rule === 'begins' ) { $like = $wpdb->esc_like( $search_term ) . '%'; } else { $like = '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $search_term ) . '%'; } if ( $is_normal_term ) { $search_array[] = $wpdb->prepare( '( term LIKE %s )', $like ); } else { $search_array[] = $wpdb->prepare( '( term = "%s" )', $search_term ); } foreach ( $search_in_arr as $search_in_term ) { if ( isset( $relevance_params[$search_in_term] ) ) { $relevance = $relevance_params[$search_in_term]['full']; $relevance_like = $relevance_params[$search_in_term]['like']; $relevance_array[$search_in_term][] = $wpdb->prepare( "( case when ( term_source = '%s' AND term = '%s' ) then {$relevance} * ( {$count_multiplier} ) else 0 end )", $search_in_term, $search_term ); if ( $is_normal_term ) { $relevance_array[$search_in_term][] = $wpdb->prepare( "( case when ( term_source = '%s' AND term LIKE %s ) then {$relevance_like} * ( {$count_multiplier} ) else 0 end )", $search_in_term, $like ); } } } } // Sort 'relevance' queries in the array by search priority foreach ( $search_in_arr as $search_in_item ) { if ( isset( $relevance_array[$search_in_item] ) ) { $new_relevance_array[$search_in_item] = implode( ' + ', $relevance_array[$search_in_item] ); } } $query['select'] = ' distinct ID'; $query['relevance'] = sprintf( ' (SUM( %s )) ', implode( ' + ', $new_relevance_array ) ); $query['search'] = sprintf( ' AND ( %s )', implode( ' OR ', $search_array ) ); if ( $reindex_version && version_compare( $reindex_version, '1.16', '>=' ) ) { if ( $outofstock !== 'true' ) { $query['stock'] = " AND in_stock = 1"; } $query['visibility'] = " AND visibility NOT IN ( 'hidden', 'catalog' )"; } if ( $index_table_version && version_compare( $index_table_version, '3.21', '>=' ) ) { $query['visibility'] = " AND visibility NOT IN ( 0, 3 )"; } /** * Exclude certain products from search * * @since 1.58 * * @param array */ $exclude_products_filter = apply_filters( 'aws_exclude_products', array() ); if ( $exclude_products_filter && is_array( $exclude_products_filter ) && ! empty( $exclude_products_filter ) ) { $query['exclude_products'] = sprintf( ' AND ( id NOT IN ( %s ) )', implode( ',', $exclude_products_filter ) ); } if ( $current_lang && $reindex_version && version_compare( $reindex_version, '1.20', '>=' ) ) { $query['lang'] = $wpdb->prepare( " AND ( lang LIKE %s OR lang = '' )", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $current_lang ) . '%' ); } /** * Filter search query parameters * @since 1.67 * @param array $query Query parameters */ $query = apply_filters( 'aws_search_query_array', $query ); $sql = "SELECT {$query['select']}, {$query['relevance']} as relevance FROM {$table_name} WHERE 1=1 {$query['search']} {$query['stock']} {$query['visibility']} {$query['exclude_products']} {$query['lang']} GROUP BY ID having relevance > 0 ORDER BY relevance DESC, id DESC LIMIT 0, {$results_num} "; /** * Filter search query string * @since 2.06 * @param array $query Query string */ $sql = apply_filters( 'aws_search_query_string', $sql ); $this->data['query_params'] = $query; $this->data['sql'] = $sql; $posts_ids = $this->get_posts_ids( $sql ); return $posts_ids; } /* * Get array of included to search result posts ids */ private function get_posts_ids( $sql ) { global $wpdb; $posts_ids = array(); $search_results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); if ( !empty( $search_results ) && !is_wp_error( $search_results ) && is_array( $search_results ) ) { foreach ( $search_results as $search_result ) { $post_id = intval( $search_result->ID ); if ( ! in_array( $post_id, $posts_ids ) ) { $posts_ids[] = $post_id; } } } unset( $search_results ); return $posts_ids; } /* * Get products info */ public function get_products( $posts_ids ) { $products_array = array(); if ( count( $posts_ids ) > 0 ) { $show_excerpt = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_excerpt' ); $excerpt_source = AWS()->get_settings( 'desc_source' ); $excerpt_length = AWS()->get_settings( 'excerpt_length' ); $desc_scrap_words = AWS()->get_settings( 'mark_words' ); $highlight_words = AWS()->get_settings( 'highlight' ); $show_price = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_price' ); $show_outofstockprice = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_outofstock_price' ); $show_sale = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_sale' ); $show_image = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_image' ); $show_sku = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_sku' ); $show_stock_status = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_stock' ); $show_featured = AWS()->get_settings( 'show_featured' ); $posts_items = $posts_ids; foreach ( $posts_items as $post_item ) { if ( ! is_object( $post_item ) ) { $product = wc_get_product( $post_item ); } else { $product = $post_item; } if ( ! is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) { continue; } setup_postdata( $post_item ); $post_id = method_exists( $product, 'get_id' ) ? $product->get_id() : $post_item; $parent_id = $product->is_type( 'variation' ) && method_exists( $product, 'get_parent_id' ) ? $product->get_parent_id() : $post_id; /** * Filter additional product data * @since 1.60 * @param array $this->data Additional data * @param int $post_id Product id * @param object $product Product */ $this->data = apply_filters( 'aws_search_data_params', $this->data, $post_id, $product ); $post_data = get_post( $post_id ); $title = $product->get_title(); $title = AWS_Helpers::html2txt( $title ); $excerpt = ''; $price = ''; $on_sale = ''; $image = ''; $sku = ''; $stock_status = ''; $featured = ''; if ( $show_excerpt === 'true' ) { $excerpt = ( $excerpt_source === 'excerpt' && $post_data->post_excerpt ) ? $post_data->post_excerpt : $post_data->post_content; $excerpt = AWS_Helpers::html2txt( $excerpt ); $excerpt = str_replace('"', "'", $excerpt); $excerpt = strip_shortcodes( $excerpt ); $excerpt = AWS_Helpers::strip_shortcodes( $excerpt ); if ( $desc_scrap_words === 'true' ) { $marked_content = $this->scrap_content( $excerpt ); if ( $marked_content ) { $excerpt = $marked_content; } } $excerpt = $excerpt_length ? wp_trim_words( $excerpt, $excerpt_length, '...' ) : ''; } if ( $show_price === 'true' && ( $product->is_in_stock() || ( ! $product->is_in_stock() && $show_outofstockprice === 'true' ) ) ) { $price = $product->get_price_html(); $price = preg_replace("/
(.+?)<\/a>/is", "
", $price); } if ( $show_sale === 'true' && ( $product->is_in_stock() || ( ! $product->is_in_stock() && $show_outofstockprice === 'true' ) ) ) { $on_sale = $product->is_on_sale(); } if ( $show_image === 'true' ) { $image_id = $product->get_image_id(); $image_size = 'thumbnail'; /** * Filter products images size * @since 2.06 * @param string $image_size Image size */ $image_size = apply_filters( 'aws_image_size', $image_size ); if ( $image_id ) { $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $image_size ); $image = $image_attributes ? $image_attributes[0] : ''; } } if ( $show_sku === 'true' ) { $sku = $product->get_sku(); } if ( $show_featured === 'true' ) { $featured = $product->is_featured(); } if ( method_exists( $product, 'get_stock_status' ) ) { $product_stock_status = $product->get_stock_status(); } else { $product_stock_status = false; } if ( $show_stock_status === 'true' ) { if ( $product->is_in_stock() && $product_stock_status !== 'onbackorder' ) { $stock_status = array( 'status' => true, 'text' => esc_html__( 'In stock', 'woocommerce' ) ); } else { $stock_status = array( 'status' => false, 'text' => $product_stock_status === 'onbackorder' ? esc_html__( 'On backorder', 'woocommerce' ) : esc_html__( 'Out of stock', 'woocommerce' ) ); } } if ( method_exists( $product, 'get_price' ) ) { $f_price = $product->get_price(); } if ( method_exists( $product, 'get_average_rating' ) ) { $f_rating = $product->get_average_rating(); } if ( method_exists( $product,'get_review_count' ) ) { $f_reviews = $product->get_review_count(); } $f_stock = $product->is_in_stock(); $f_sale = $product->is_on_sale(); // $categories = $product->get_categories( ',' ); // $tags = $product->get_tags( ',' ); if ( $highlight_words === 'true' ) { $title = $this->highlight_words( $title ); $excerpt = $this->highlight_words( $excerpt ); $sku = $this->highlight_words( $sku ); } $title = apply_filters( 'aws_title_search_result', $title, $post_id, $product ); $excerpt = apply_filters( 'aws_excerpt_search_result', $excerpt, $post_id, $product ); if ( ! isset( $this->data['is_search_page'] ) || ! $this->data['is_search_page'] ) { $post_data->post_content = ''; $post_data->post_excerpt = ''; } $new_result = array( 'id' => $post_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'title' => $title, 'excerpt' => $excerpt, 'link' => get_permalink( $post_id ), 'image' => $image, 'price' => $price, 'on_sale' => $on_sale, 'sku' => $sku, 'stock_status' => $stock_status, 'featured' => $featured, 'f_price' => $f_price, 'f_rating' => $f_rating, 'f_reviews' => $f_reviews, 'f_stock' => $f_stock, 'f_sale' => $f_sale, 'post_data' => $post_data ); /** * Filter single product search result * @since 2.49 * @param array $new_result Product data array * @param int $post_id Product id * @param object $product Product */ $new_result = apply_filters( 'aws_search_pre_filter_single_product', $new_result, $post_id, $product ); $products_array[] = $new_result; wp_reset_postdata(); } } /** * Filter products array before output * @since 1.60 * @param array $products_array Products array * @param array $this->data Additional data */ $products_array = apply_filters( 'aws_search_pre_filter_products', $products_array, $this->data ); $s = isset( $this->data['s'] ) ? $this->data['s'] : ''; /** * Filters array of products before they displayed in search results * * @since 1.42 * * @param array $products_array Array of products results * @param string $s Search query */ $products_array = apply_filters( 'aws_search_results_products', $products_array, $s ); return $products_array; } /* * Scrap content excerpt */ private function scrap_content( $content ) { $exact_words = array(); $words = array(); $excerpt_length = AWS()->get_settings( 'excerpt_length' ); foreach( $this->data['search_terms'] as $search_in ) { $search_in = preg_quote( $search_in, '/' ); $exact_words[] = '\b' . $search_in . '\b'; if ( strlen( $search_in ) > 1 ) { $words[] = $search_in; } else { $words[] = '\b' . $search_in . '\b'; } } usort( $exact_words, array( $this, 'sort_by_length' ) ); $exact_words = implode( '|', $exact_words ); usort( $words, array( $this, 'sort_by_length' ) ); $words = implode( '|', $words ); preg_match( '/([^.?!]*?)(' . $exact_words . '){1}(.*?[.!?])/i', $content, $matches ); if ( ! isset( $matches[0] ) ) { preg_match( '/([^.?!]*?)(' . $words . '){1}(.*?[.!?])/i', $content, $matches ); } if ( isset( $matches[0] ) ) { $content = $matches[0]; // Trim to long content if (str_word_count(strip_tags($content)) > 34) { if (str_word_count(strip_tags($matches[3])) > 34) { $matches[3] = wp_trim_words($matches[3], 30, '...'); } $content = '...' . $matches[2] . $matches[3]; } } else { // Get first N sentences if ( str_word_count( strip_tags( $content ) ) > $excerpt_length ) { $sentences_array = preg_split( "/(?<=[.!?])/", $content, 10, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); $sentences_string = ''; $str_word_count = 0; if ( ! empty( $sentences_array ) ) { foreach ( $sentences_array as $sentence ) { $str_word_count = $str_word_count + str_word_count( strip_tags( $sentence ) ); if ( $str_word_count <= $excerpt_length ) { $sentences_string .= $sentence; } else { break; } } } if ( $sentences_string ) { $content = $sentences_string; } } } return $content; } /* * Highlight search words */ private function highlight_words( $text ) { if ( ! $text ) { return $text; } $pattern = array(); foreach( $this->data['search_terms'] as $search_in ) { $search_in = preg_quote( $search_in, '/' ); if ( strlen( $search_in ) > 1 ) { $pattern[] = '(' . $search_in . ')+'; } else { $pattern[] = '\b[' . $search_in . ']{1}\b'; } } usort( $pattern, array( $this, 'sort_by_length' ) ); $pattern = implode( '|', $pattern ); $pattern = sprintf( '/%s/i', $pattern ); /** * Tag to use for highlighting search words inside content * @since 1.88 * @param string Tag for highlighting */ $highlight_tag = apply_filters( 'aws_highlight_tag', 'strong' ); $highlight_tag_pattern = '<' . $highlight_tag . '>${0}' . $highlight_tag . '>'; $text = preg_replace($pattern, $highlight_tag_pattern, $text ); return $text; } /* * Sort array by its values length */ private function sort_by_length( $a, $b ) { return strlen( $b ) - strlen( $a ); } } endif; AWS_Search::factory(); function aws_search( $keyword = '', $output = 'all' ) { ob_start(); $search_results = AWS_Search::factory()->search( $keyword, $output ); ob_end_clean(); return $search_results; }