isCloudFlare(); if ($isCf) { // Fixes Flexible SSL if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; } // Rewrite Cloudflare IPs when the plugin is loaded, // Doing this later in the plugin lifecycle will not update the IPs correctly add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; }, 1); } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } // Initialize Hooks class which contains WordPress hook functions $cloudflareHooks = new \CF\WordPress\Hooks(); add_action('plugins_loaded', array($cloudflareHooks, 'getCloudflareRequestJSON')); // Enable HTTP2 Server Push if (defined('CLOUDFLARE_HTTP2_SERVER_PUSH_ACTIVE') && CLOUDFLARE_HTTP2_SERVER_PUSH_ACTIVE && !is_admin()) { add_action('init', array($cloudflareHooks, 'http2ServerPushInit')); } add_action('init', array($cloudflareHooks, 'initAutomaticPlatformOptimization')); if (is_admin()) { //Register proxy AJAX endpoint add_action('wp_ajax_cloudflare_proxy', array($cloudflareHooks, 'initProxy')); //Add CloudFlare Plugin homepage to admin settings menu add_action('admin_menu', array($cloudflareHooks, 'cloudflareConfigPage')); //Add CloudFlare Plugin homepage to admin settings menu add_action('plugin_action_links_cloudflare/cloudflare.php', array($cloudflareHooks, 'pluginActionLinks')); // Load Activation Script register_activation_hook(CLOUDFLARE_PLUGIN_DIR.'cloudflare.php', array($cloudflareHooks, 'activate')); // Load Deactivation Script register_deactivation_hook(CLOUDFLARE_PLUGIN_DIR.'cloudflare.php', array($cloudflareHooks, 'deactivate')); } // Load Automatic Cache Purge $cloudflarePurgeEverythingActions = array( 'autoptimize_action_cachepurged', // Compat with https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize 'switch_theme', // Switch theme 'customize_save_after' // Edit theme ); $cloudflarePurgeEverythingActions = apply_filters('cloudflare_purge_everything_actions', $cloudflarePurgeEverythingActions); foreach ($cloudflarePurgeEverythingActions as $action) { add_action($action, array($cloudflareHooks, 'purgeCacheEverything'), PHP_INT_MAX); } /** * You can filter the list of URLs that get purged by Cloudflare after a post is * modified by implementing a filter for the "cloudflare_purge_by_url" hook. * * @Example: * * /** * * @param array $urls A list of post related URLs * * @param integer $post_id the post ID that was modified * * / * function your_cloudflare_url_filter($urls, $post_id) { * // modify urls * return $urls; * } * * add_filter('cloudflare_purge_by_url', your_cloudflare_url_filter, 10, 2); */ $cloudflarePurgeURLActions = array( 'deleted_post', // Delete a post 'delete_attachment', // Delete an attachment - includes re-uploading ); $cloudflarePurgeURLActions = apply_filters('cloudflare_purge_url_actions', $cloudflarePurgeURLActions); foreach ($cloudflarePurgeURLActions as $action) { add_action($action, array($cloudflareHooks, 'purgeCacheByRelevantURLs'), PHP_INT_MAX); } /** * Register action to account for post status changes * This includes * - publish => publish transitions (editing a published post: no actual status change but the hook runs nevertheless) * - manually publishing/unpublishing a post * - WordPress automatically publishing a scheduled post at the appropriate time */ add_action('transition_post_status', array($cloudflareHooks, 'purgeCacheOnPostStatusChange'), PHP_INT_MAX, 3); /** * Register two new actions which account for comment status before purging cache */ add_action('transition_comment_status', array($cloudflareHooks, 'purgeCacheOnCommentStatusChange'), PHP_INT_MAX, 3); add_action('comment_post', array($cloudflareHooks, 'purgeCacheOnNewComment'), PHP_INT_MAX, 3);